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34 Erwähnungen 
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung - Drei Zukunftsszenarien und fünf Handlungsfelder (Johannes Schleiss, Dana-Kristin Mah, Katrin Böhme, David Fischer, Janne Mesenhöller, Benjamin Paaßen, Sabrina Schork, Johannes Schrump)
- CSCL - Theory and Practice of an Emerging Paradigm (Timothy D. Koschmann) (1996)
- Paradigm shifts and instructional technology - An introduction
- Paradigm shifts and instructional technology - An introduction
- Guidelines for Learning/Teaching/Tutoring in a Mobile Environment (C. O’Malley, Giasemi Vavoula, J.P. Glew, Josie Taylor, Mike Sharples, P. Lefrere) (2003)
- Computer Science Education 3/2005 (2005)
- Teaching the tacit knowledge of programming to noviceswith natural language tutoring (H. Chad Lane, Kurt VanLehn) (2005)
- Teaching the tacit knowledge of programming to noviceswith natural language tutoring (H. Chad Lane, Kurt VanLehn) (2005)
- The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences (R. Keith Sawyer) (2006)
- SIGCSE 2007 - Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2007, Covington, Kentucky, USA, March 7-11, 2007 (Ingrid Russell, Susan M. Haller, J. D. Dougherty, Susan H. Rodger) (2007)
- A case for smaller class size with integrated lab for introductory computer science (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Rachael S. Dwight, Carolyn S. Miller, C. Dianne Raubenheimer, Matthias F. Stallmann, Mladen A. Vouk) (2007)
- A case for smaller class size with integrated lab for introductory computer science (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Rachael S. Dwight, Carolyn S. Miller, C. Dianne Raubenheimer, Matthias F. Stallmann, Mladen A. Vouk) (2007)
- International Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek) (2009)
- 13. ICT Supporting the Learning Process: The Premise, Reality, and Promise (Kwok-Wing Lai)
- 63. Measuring the Impact of Information Technology on Students´ Learning (Rachel M. Pilkington)
- 13. ICT Supporting the Learning Process: The Premise, Reality, and Promise (Kwok-Wing Lai)
- Computer Science Education 2/2009 (2009)
- Investigating the role of student motivation in computer science education through one-on-one tutoring (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Robert Phillips, Michael D. Wallis, Mladen A. Vouk, James C. Lester) (2009)
- Investigating the role of student motivation in computer science education through one-on-one tutoring (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Robert Phillips, Michael D. Wallis, Mladen A. Vouk, James C. Lester) (2009)
- SIGCSE 2009 - Proceedings of the 40th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2009, Chattanooga, TN, USA, March 4-7, 2009 (Sue Fitzgerald, Mark Guzdial, Gary Lewandowski, Steven A. Wolfman) (2009)
- The impact of instructor initiative on student learning - a tutoring study (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Robert Phillips, Michael D. Wallis, Mladen A. Vouk, James C. Lester) (2009)
- The impact of instructor initiative on student learning - a tutoring study (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Robert Phillips, Michael D. Wallis, Mladen A. Vouk, James C. Lester) (2009)
- Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (Volume 9) (2010)
- The End of Techno-Critique - The Naked Truth about 1:1 Laptop Initiatives and Educational Change (Mark E. Weston, Alan Bain) (2010)
- The End of Techno-Critique - The Naked Truth about 1:1 Laptop Initiatives and Educational Change (Mark E. Weston, Alan Bain) (2010)
- Gaming and Cognition - Theories and Practice from the Learning Sciences (Richard Van Eck) (2010)
- Too Simple to Fail - A Case for Educational Change (R. Barker Bausell) (2010)
- New Science of Learning - Cognition, Computers and Collaboration in Education (Myint Swe Khine, Issa M. Saleh) (2010)
- Computer Science Education 2/2010 (2010)
- Experiences with lab-centric instruction (Nathaniel Titterton, Colleen M. Lewis, Michael J. Clancy) (2010)
- Experiences with lab-centric instruction (Nathaniel Titterton, Colleen M. Lewis, Michael J. Clancy) (2010)
- Human Attention in Digital Environments (Claudia Roda) (2011)
- Foundations of Educational Technology (J. Michael Spector) (2012)
- Schulaufgaben - Wie wir das Bildungssystem verändern müssen, um unseren Kindern gerecht zu werden [Broschiert] (Jutta Allmendinger) (2012)
- MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses - Offene Bildung oder Geschäftsmodell? (Rolf Schulmeister) (2013)
- Der Beginn und das Ende von OPEN - Chronologie der MOOC-Entwicklung
- Der Beginn und das Ende von OPEN - Chronologie der MOOC-Entwicklung
- Teaching crowds - Learning and Social Media (Jon Dron, Terry Anderson) (2014)
- Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research (Aditya Johri, Barbara M. Olds) (2014)
- Life After MOOCs - Online science education needs a new revolution. (Phillip Compeau, Pavel A. Pevzner) (2015)
- The Future of the Professions - How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts (Richard Susskind, Daniel Susskind) (2016)
- Online Education - A Catalyst for Higher Education Reforms (Karen E. Willcox, Sanjay Sarma, Philip H. Lippel) (2016)
- Measuring and Visualizing Learning in the Information-Rich Classroom (Peter Reimann, Susan Bull, Michael Kickmeier-Rust, Ravi Vatrapu, Barbara Wasson) (2016)
- Instructional-Design Theories and Models, Volume IV - The Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education (Charles M. Reigeluth, Brian J. Beatty, Rodney D. Myers) (2017)
- ICER 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2018, Espoo, Finland, August 13-15, 2018 (Lauri Malmi, Ari Korhonen, Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen) (2018)
- Misconception-Driven Feedback - Results from an Experimental Study (Luke Gusukuma, Austin Cory Bart, Dennis G. Kafura, Jeremy Ernst) (2018)
- Misconception-Driven Feedback - Results from an Experimental Study (Luke Gusukuma, Austin Cory Bart, Dennis G. Kafura, Jeremy Ernst) (2018)
- Failure to Disrupt - Why Technology Alone Can’t Transform Education (Justin Reich) (2020)
- Leistung macht Schule - Förderung leistungsstarker und potenziell besonders leistungsfähiger Schülerinnen und Schüler (Christian Fischer, Gabriele Weigand, Franzis Preckel, Friedhelm Käpnick, Miriam Vock, Christoph Perleth, Heinz-Werner Wollersheim) (2021)
- Education andTechnology - Key Issues and Debates (3rd edition) (Neil Selwyn) (2022)
- Lernen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung - Einblicke und Handlungsempfehlungen für die neue Arbeitswelt (Mark Harwardt, Peter F.-J. Niermann, Andre M. Schmutte, Axel Steuernagel) (2023)
- Die Zukunft ist hier: Schlüsselkompetenzen mit Virtual Reality trainieren! (Peter F.-J. Niermann, Fabrizio Palmas)
- Die Zukunft ist hier: Schlüsselkompetenzen mit Virtual Reality trainieren! (Peter F.-J. Niermann, Fabrizio Palmas)
- The Amazing AI Super Tutor for Students and Teachers (Sal Khan) (2023)
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung (Claudia de Witt, Christina Gloerfeld, Silke Elisabeth Wrede) (2023)
- Eine ethische Perspektive auf KI in der Bildung (Manuela Schönmann, Matthias Uhl)
- Eine ethische Perspektive auf KI in der Bildung (Manuela Schönmann, Matthias Uhl)
- Ein KI-Assistent hätte mir sehr geholfen (Sebastian Thrun, Uwe Ebbinghaus) (2024)
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