
Split into six distinct parts, the book explores topics like how classrooms are increasingly using sketch-based videos, created by teachers and students alike, and how the teaching of key skills such as literacy, languages, math, and art via pen and touch technologies within the classroom are leading to improvements in engagement, learning, and retention levels amongst students. Future perspectives of digital learning, as envisioned by current high school students, are also explored.
Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink is a must-read for those seeking to understand the direction of current and future pen and touch research, ist current use in classrooms, and future research directions.
Bemerkungen zu diesem Konferenz-Band

- 1. Introduction (Seite 3 - 15) (Tracy Hammond, Aaron Adler, Stephanie Valentine)
- 2. Computer Interfaces Can Stimulate or Undermine Students´ Ability to Think (Seite 19 - 26) (Sharon Oviatt)
- 3. Inking Outside the Box: How Context Sensing Affords More Natural Pen (and Touch) Computing (Seite 27 - 47) (Ken Hinckley, Bill Buxton)
- 4. Design Studies for Stylus and Finger-Based Interaction in Writing Instruction on Tablets (Seite 51 - 69) (Robert Thompson, Steven Tanimoto, Virginia Berninger, William Nagy)
- 5. Tablet-Based Technology to Support Students´ Understanding of Division (Seite 71 - 89) (Kimberle Koile, Andee Rubin) (2016)
- 6. A Tablet-Based Math Tutor for Beginning Algebra (Seite 91 - 102) (Guan Wang, Nathaniel Bowditch, Robert Zeleznik, Musik Kwon, Jose J. Valdes Jr.) (2016)
- 7. Leveraging Trends in Student Interaction to Enhance the Effectiveness of Sketch-Based Educational Software (Seite 103 - 114) (Seth Polsley, Jaideep Ray, Trevor Nelligan, Michael Helms, Julie Linsey, Tracy Hammond)
- 8. PerSketchTivity - An Intelligent Pen-Based Educational Application for Design Sketching Instruction (Seite 115 - 127) (Blake Williford, Paul Taele, Trevor Nelligan, Yi-Ching Li, Julie Linsey, Tracy Hammond)
- 9. An Intelligent Sketch-Based Educational Interface for Learning Complex Written East Asian Phonetic Symbols (Seite 129 - 140) (Paul Taele, Tracy Hammond)
- 10. A Stylus-Driven Intelligent Tutoring System for Music Education Instruction (Seite 141 - 161) (Laura Barreto, Paul Taele, Tracy Hammond) (2016)
- 11. SmartStrokes: Digitizing Paper-Based Neuropsychological Tests (Seite 163 - 175) (Raniero Lara-Garduno, Nancy Leslie, Tracy Hammond)
- 12. The Digital Sash - A Sketch-Based Badge System in a Social Network for Children (Seite 179 - 189) (Stephanie Valentine, Angelica Leyva-McMurtry, Katya Borgos-Rodriguez, Tracy Hammond)
- 13. A Cyberensemble of Inversion, Immersion, Shared Knowledge Areas, Query, and Digital Media-Making in STEM Classrooms (Seite 191 - 207) (Eric Hamilton, George Foe-Aman, Lynette Foe-Aman, Israel Ramirez-Gamez)
- 14. A System Dynamics Approach to Process Evaluation of Pen-Based Digital Media-Making Projects (Seite 209 - 221) (Moses Okumu, Hiroo Kato, Nishesh Chalise)
- 15. A Model and Research Agenda for Teacher and Student Collaboration Using Pen-Based Tablets in Digital Media Making in Sub-Saharan Africa (Seite 223 - 230) (Eric Hamilton, Loide Kapenda, Zachary Mbasu, Helena Miranda, Elizabeth Ngololo)
- 16. Student Producers: OneNote, Camtasia Studio, and the Authentic Project (Seite 231 - 240) (Audrey Lampe Ploesser)
- 17. An Aqua Squiggle and Giggles - Pre-Teens as Researchers Influencing Little Lives Through Inking and Touch Devices (Seite 241 - 272) (Michelle Zimmerman)
- 18. Personalizing Student Learning Using the MyEduDecks Application Through Teacher Supervision and Peer-to-Peer Networks (Seite 275 - 285) (Radhir Kothuri, Samuel Cohen, Nicholas Wilke, Aileen Owens)
- 19. Inking Pedagogy (Seite 287 - 299) (Dale Pokorski, David Okoth, Vaishali Nandy, Julaine Fowlin, Catherine Amelink)
- 20. Impact of Undergraduate Tablet PC Use on Retention in STEM Majors (Seite 301 - 305) (Carla A. Romney)
- 21. Analysis of Student Perspectives on Using Tablet PCs in Junior and Senior Level Chemical Engineering Courses (Seite 307 - 319) (Enrique Palou, Zaira Ramírez-Apud, Nelly Ramírez-Corona, Aurelio López-Malo)
- 22. Student Demonstrations of Learning: Making Thinking Visible Using Pen and Touch (Seite 321 - 327) (Richard Kassissieh, Jeff Tillinghast)
- 23. The Integration of Inking, Touch and Flipping Within the Mathematics Middle School Classroom (Seite 329 - 334) (Leslie Williams)
- 24. DYKNOW as a Tool for Differentiation - Exploring Alternative Ways to Assess in the Middle School Social Studies Classroom (Seite 335 - 341) (Sara Mata)
- 25. WIPTTE 2015 High School Contest (Seite 345 - 364) (Stephanie Valentine, Hannah Conrad, Cassandra Oduola, Tracy Hammond)
- 26. Youth Re-envisioning the Future of Education (Seite 365 - 385) (Kayla Gonzalvo, Tiffany Dinh, Scott Nguyen, Jasmine Fernandez, Michelle Zimmerman)
Dieser Konferenz-Band erwähnt ...
Dieser Konferenz-Band erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... 
![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Curriculum / Lehrplan, Deutschland, Digitalisierung, Eltern, Evernote, Fremdsprache, Fremdsprachenlernen, Gymnasium, Internet, iPad, Kinder, Kollaboratives Schreiben, Lehrplan 21, Schulbuch / Lehrmittel, Schweiz, Sekundarstufe II, Universität |
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