Inking PedagogyDale Pokorski, David Okoth, Vaishali Nandy, Julaine Fowlin, Catherine Amelink
Zu finden in: Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink (Seite 287 bis 299), 2016
Technology-enhanced instructional delivery is increasingly becoming the norm in the delivery of the engineering curriculum. Electronic inking is one such technology that has proven to afford enhanced learning experiences such as supporting note taking and sharing, including real-time distributed conversation. However, despite its proven benefits including other classroom technologies, several institutions still struggle with university-wide implementation or department-wide adoption. We review the key developments that some signature engineering schools have undertaken to foster the use of inking technology in the last two decades. We also examine the different aspects of inking as a classroom tool that makes learning in the 21st Century more enriching. While there are a plethora of studies that highlight computer use or other novel technologies in education, we demonstrate a couple of success stories and best practices for implementing inking technology in science and engineering disciplines. Findings from the review indicate that effective integration of inking pedagogies in delivering instruction spurs higher student engagement with content which in turn contributes to better learning outcomes/gains.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | Hochschulehigher education institution , TabletTablet , Tablets in educationTablets in education |
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | iPad, Universität |
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