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An Aqua Squiggle and Giggles

Pre-Teens as Researchers Influencing Little Lives Through Inking and Touch Devices
Michelle Zimmerman
Zu finden in: Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink (Seite 241 bis 272), 2016 local 
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Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink

Using technology for the good of society is a skill that needs to be modeled, instructed, and practiced as young students prepare for the future. The primary objective of this action research was to locate the emergence of skill development through an intersection of human connection and touch screen laptop use in a cross-age mentoring model with middle school and preschool students in an urban independent school representing 27 ethnic groups. To increase understanding of new forms of learning within a non-traditional grouping of sixth- and seventh-graders in a 1:1 laptop environment, I drew on their perspective and creativity as they utilized production and internet tools to facilitate their own data collection as they researched and tracked learning of the little buddy they mentored in literacy projects. The data showed students in this grouping becoming active pursuers of relational bonding with preschoolers and simultaneously developing a mindset parallel with that of adult teacher-researchers. Touch and inking unexpectedly became the tool that helped facilitate interpersonal conversational skills and social emotional development with English Language Learning in one case study.

Von Michelle Zimmerman im Konferenz-Band Revolutionizing Education with Digital Ink (2016) im Text An Aqua Squiggle and Giggles

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Lernenlearning , Schuleschool , Sprachelanguage , Sprachenlernenlanguage learning , Zone of Proximal Development

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