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William J. Clancey Situated Cognition and Intelligent Tutoring Systems (1989) (erschienen in ICCAL '89)
Michael Clancy BDSI (2019) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2019)
Identifying Student Difficulties with Basic Data Structures (2018) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2018)
  • ICER 2020
    • Targeted Guidance for Beginner Software Engineering Students to Learn Data Structures and Algorithms in Java local web 
Michael J. Clancy Siehe Michael J. Clancy Siehe Michael J. Clancy
Mike Clancy ICER 2008 (2008)
Models and Areas for CS Education Research (2001) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2001)
Applying data structures in exams (2011) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2011)
Geraldine Clarebout Advanced Technologies for Personalized Learning, Instruction, and Performance (2014) local web 
Siehe Advanced Technologies for Personalized Learning, Instruction, and Performance (2014) local web 
Christina Clark Young people’s writing (2009) local web 
The Impact of Ebooks on the Reading Motivation and Reading Skills of Children and Young People (2015) local web 
David Clark Fast Tracking the Learning of How to Use Neural Networks as Classifiers (2000) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 2/2000)
Dayton Clark Extending the conversation (1996) local web  (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996)
Donald Clark Don't Lecture Me (2010) local web 
Siehe Don't Lecture Me (2010) local web 
Doug Bock Clark 1000 Facebook-Likes für 30 Franken (2015) local web 
Siehe 1000 Facebook-Likes für 30 Franken (2015) local web 
Douglas B. Clark Sequential Analysis of Scientific Argumentation in Asynchronous Online Discussion Environments (2010) local web  (erschienen in Analyzing Interactions in CSCL)
Driving Assessment of Students´ Explanations in Game Dialog Using Computer-Adaptive Testing and Hidden Markov Modeling (2012) local web 
George W. Clark Enhancing Robotic Experiences throughout the Computing Curriculum (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Jack Clark Language Models are Few-Shot Learners (2020) local web 
Siehe Language Models are Few-Shot Learners (2020) local web 
Jeremy Clark Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree (2017) local web 
Siehe Bitcoin's Academic Pedigree (2017) local web 
Jon Collins Clark Software Entrepreneurship Among the Urban Poor (1998) local web  (erschienen in High Technology and Low-Income Communities)
Josh Clark Tapworthy (2010) local 
Siehe Tapworthy (2010) local 
Kevin Clark Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators (2008)
Siehe Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators (2008)
Linda Clark Active Learning with LEGO for Software Requirements (2019) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
Martyn Clark ITiCSE 2004 (2004)
The Transition from School to University: Would Prior Study of Computing Help? (2005) local web  (erschienen in From Computer Literacy to Informatics Fundamentals)
A Personal Theory of Teaching Computing Through Final Year Projects (1999) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 3/1999)
Computer Science in English High Schools (2006) local web 
Getting participation through discussion (2000) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2000)
Nicholas K. Clark Moodle-integrated open source synchronous teaching (2011) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2011)
Richard E. Clark Siehe Richard E. Clark Siehe Richard E. Clark
Robert C. Clark Technology Infusion and Higher Education (2000) local web 
Siehe Technology Infusion and Higher Education (2000) local web 
Ruth Colvin Clark E-Learning and the Science of Instruction (2002) local 
Siehe E-Learning and the Science of Instruction (2002) local 
Sharon Clark Educational Wikis (2004) local web 
Siehe Educational Wikis (2004) local web 
Tricia K. Clark The impact of problem-oriented animated learning modules in a CS1-style course (2011) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2011)
William Clark Disruption in Education (2002) local web 
Siehe Disruption in Education (2002) local web 
Wilma Clark iPads in the Classroom (2013) local web 
Siehe iPads in the Classroom (2013) local web 
Alice L. Clarke A microcomputer oriented computer literacy course (1988) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1988)
Arthur C. Clarke
Beverly Clarke Computer Science Teacher (2017) local 
Siehe Computer Science Teacher (2017) local 
Jody Clarke Emerging Technologies for Collaborative, Mediated, Immersive Learning (2009) local web 
Siehe Emerging Technologies for Collaborative, Mediated, Immersive Learning (2009) local web 
John H. Clarke Patterns of Thinking (1990) local 
Siehe Patterns of Thinking (1990) local 
Matthew C. Clarke Teaching the empirical approach to designing human-computer interaction via an experiential group project (1998) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1998)
Possible models diagrams (1993) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1993)
Peter J. Clarke Integrating software testing into programming courses (WISTPC 2014) (abstract only) (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
Using Gamification Strategies to Motivate and Engage Students in Computer Science Courses (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Software modeling in education (2011) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2011)
Ryan Clarke Evaluating the Impact of the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Valerie A. Clarke Too few women! Too few minorities! What can we do? (abstract) (1994) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1994)
Attracting women to tertiary computing courses (1993) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1993)
Jody Clarke-Midura Investigating the Role of Being a Mentor as a Way of Increasing Interest in CS (2016) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2016)
Teaching Coding in Kindergarten (2023) local web 
How Mother and Father Support Affect Youths' Interest in Computer Science (2018) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2018)
How Near Peer Mentoring Affects Middle School Mentees (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Tricia Clark-Fookes Mutuality and Inter-relativity of Drama and Science (2021) local web 
Siehe Mutuality and Inter-relativity of Drama and Science (2021) local web 
Allen Clarkson Teaching students to hack (2005) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2005)
Kyliah Clarkson Taking a walk on the wild side (2014) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
Susana Claro From Handheld Collaborative Tool to Effective Classroom Module (2009) local web 
Siehe From Handheld Collaborative Tool to Effective Classroom Module (2009) local web 
Christoph Clases Hochschule im info-strukturellen Wandel (2006)  
Roadmap to E-Learning @ETH Zurich (2006)  local web 
Erfahrungen und Wissen zum Einsatz von E-Learning nutzen (2007)
Christina Class Gewissensbisse (2009)  local 
Werkstatt: Gesellschaftliche Aspekte des Internets (2005) (erschienen in LOG IN 136/137/2005)
Christina B. Class Gewissensbisse (2023) local web 
Analogien für Programmierkonzepte (2017) local web 
Ron Classen Data communications in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract) (1995) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1995)
Sebastian Claus LAYA will in die Schule (2020) local web 
Siehe LAYA will in die Schule (2020) local web 
Stephan Claus Mathe-App für den Übergang Schule-Studium (2014) local web  (erschienen in DeLFI 2014)
Volker Claus Siehe Volker Claus Siehe Volker Claus
Jens Clausen Energieeffizienter IT-Einsatz an Schulen (2009) local web 
Ressourceneffiziente IT in Schulen (2009) local web 
Stephan Clauss Wer nicht schreibt, bleibt dumm (2017)
Siehe Wer nicht schreibt, bleibt dumm (2017)
Jan Torge Claussen Lecture2Go (2010) local 
Siehe Lecture2Go (2010) local 
Sven Claussen PerSa - Der Persönliche Studienassistent (2002) (erschienen in Campus 2002)
Christoph Clavadetscher «Das Fernstudium ist unsere Antwort auf den Fachkräftemangel» (2024) local web 
Lernen mit Spass: PH Schwyz entwickelt Rätselraum (2024) local web 
Ellen Clay Reclaiming Lost Opportunities (2009) (erschienen in Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2009)
James Clay Preparing for Effective Adoption and Use of eBooks in Education (2012) local web 
Lissa Clayborn CSTA chapters (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
CSTA K-12 CS Standards for All (Abstract Only) (2017) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2017)
Mark Claypool Dragonfly (2013) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 2/2013)
Aubrey Clayton Bernoulli's Fallacy (2021) local 
Peter G. Clayton Content Exposure of Slide Show Presentations for Selective Download and Annotation via Mobile Devices (2005) local web