From Blocks to Text and BackProgramming Patterns in a Dual-Modality Environment
David Weintrop, Nathan R. Holbert
Zu finden in: SIGCSE 2017 (Seite 633 bis 638), 2017
Blocks-based, graphical programming environments are increasingly becoming the way that novices are being introduced to the practice of programming and the field of computer science more broadly. An open question surrounding the use of such tools is how well they prepare learners for using more conventional text-based programming languages. In an effort to address this transition, new programming environments are providing support for both blocks-based and text-based programming. In this paper, we present findings from a study investigating how learners use a dual-modality environment where they can choose to work in either a blocks-based or text-based interface, moving between them as they choose. Our analysis investigates what modality learners choose to work in, and if and why they move from one representation to the other within a single project. We conclude with a discussion of design implications and future directions for this work. This work contributes to our understanding of the affordances of blocks-based programming environments and advances our knowledge on how best to utilize them.
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Informatikunterricht in der Schule |
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4 Erwähnungen
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- Impacts of Block-based Programming on Young Learners’ Programming Skills and Attitudes in the Context of Smart Environments (Mazyar Seraj) (2020)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- Hedy - A Gradual Language for Programming Education (Felienne Hermans) (2020)
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From Blocks to Text and Back: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (: , 960 kByte; : Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-06-28) |
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