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Catherine Lang

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This is not an official homepage of Catherine Lang and it is not possible to contact Catherine Lang here!

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Digital Divas

Putting the Wow Into Computing for Girls

(Julie Fisher, Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Helen Forgasz) (2016) local 

iconTexte von Catherine Lang Hier finden Sie Texte der gewählten Person, die nicht in den oben aufgelisteten Büchern zu finden sind.

Jahr Volltext Abrufe Text Texttyp
2007 local web  Twenty-first Century Australian Women and IT - Exercising the power of choice (Catherine Lang)
erschienen in Computer Science Education 3/2007 (Seite 215 - 226)
2007 Seven factors that influence ICT student achievement (Catherine Lang, Judy McKay, Sue Lewis)
erschienen in ITiCSE 2007 (Seite 221 - 225)
2010 local web  Happenstance and compromise - a gendered analysis of students' computing degree course selection (Catherine Lang)
erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2010 (Seite 317 - 345)
2010 Creating digital divas - scaffolding perception change through secondary school and university alliances (Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Julie Fisher, Helen Forgasz)
erschienen in ITiCSE 2010 (Seite 38 - 42)
2011 Outreach programs to promote computer science and ict to high school and middle school students (Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Jane Prey, Mary Anne L. Egan, Reyyan Ayfer)
erschienen in ITiCSE 2011 (Seite 344 - 345)
2011 Evaluation framework underpinning the digital divas programme (Annemieke Craig, Julie Fisher, Helen Forgasz, Catherine Lang)
erschienen in ITiCSE 2011 (Seite 313 - 317)
2012 local web  Gender and stereotypes in motivation to study computer programming for careers in multimedia (Wendy Doubé, Catherine Lang)
erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/2012 (Seite 63 - 78)
2013 Women in technology - an international collaborative celebration (abstract only) (Alison Clear, Annemieke Craig, Catherine Lang)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2013 (Seite 733 - 733)
2018 local web  3, 3, 6, 3, 7, 4, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2 Cooperative vs collaborative group work - educational use of social media and social connection for international students (Jade Sleeman, Catherine Lang, Eva Dakich)
erschienen in EdMedia 2018

iconBemerkungen von Catherine Lang

Von Catherine Lang gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:

KB IB clear
Cooperative vs collaborative group work, Gender and stereotypes in motivation to study computer programming for careers in multimedia, Happenstance and compromise, Twenty-first Century Australian Women and IT, Women in technology

KB IB clear
Der Frauenanteil in der Informatik ist klein.


Digital DivasDr Catherine Lang is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Her research focus since 1996 has been on the under-representation of women in computing, which culminated in the national research project that is the topic of this book. She has published on the topics of student transition to higher education, computing education and pedagogy as well as social networking in education. She is the recipient of several competitive national and university grants and awards in recognition of her research strengths and her teaching and learning abilities. She tweets at @Clang13
Von Julie Fisher, Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Helen Forgasz im Buch Digital Divas (2016)
Digital DivasDr Annemieke Craig is an Associate Professor in the School of Information and Business Analytics, Deakin University. Annemieke’s career and research journey has been focused on computing education at all levels; secondary, adult education, TAFE and tertiary education. Her research interests revolve around engaging students with and in ICT. There are a number of threads contributing to this overarching research umbrella including: increasing gendered participation in ICT, exploring the use of digital technologies to support teaching and learning; and improving student engagement in the ICT discipline within higher education programs.
Von Julie Fisher, Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Helen Forgasz im Buch Digital Divas (2016)



Reyyan Ayfer, Alison Clear, Annemieke Craig, Eva Dakich, Wendy Doubé, Mary Anne L. Egan, Julie Fisher, Helen Forgasz, Sue Lewis, Judy McKay, Jane Prey, Jade Sleeman

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Digital Divas: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 3983 kByte)
Auf dem WWW Twenty-first Century Australian Women and IT: Artikel als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 87 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)
Auf dem WWW Happenstance and compromise: Artikel als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 331 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Gender and stereotypes in motivation to study computer programming for careers in multimedia: Artikel als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 155 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Cooperative vs collaborative group work: educational use of social media and social connection for international students: Volltext als PDF (lokal: PDF, 169 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)

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