Open Courseware Initiative Open Courseware Initiative |
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Offene Kursmaterialien (OCW) sind ein bestimmtes Modell für OER, das durch das
MIT und das OpenCourseWare Consortium bekannt wurde. Die Lernmaterialien
werden nach dem Muster eines traditionellen Kurses für eingeschriebene
Studierende einer Universität angeboten. OCW können als vollständige Kurse bzw.
Lerneinheiten direkt für das Curriculum einer Lehrveranstaltung eingesetzt werden.
Von Ingo Blees, Nadia Cohen, Tamara Massar, Doris Hirschmann, Matthias Höhler, Renate Martini, Renate Tilgner im Buch Freie Bildungsmedien (OER) (2013) Bemerkungen
In a traditional campus setting,
for example, few faculty members
see their colleagues’ syllabi, much less
their teaching materials. Thanks to the
OCW initiative, faculty members from
different schools at MIT are realizing the
overlap in the topics they cover. By just
reviewing the OCW content from their
desktops, they can see how someone in
a different discipline approaches the
same material. This capability makes
for a richer experience for students and
professors and is generating new, crossdepartmental
Von Sally M. Johnstone im Journal Educause Quarterly 3/05 (2005) im Text Open Educational Resources Serve the World While the project is grand in scale (1900 courses worth of materials have been published to date) and an inspiration to institutions and universities around the world, its exorbitant costs – $4,000,000 per year – make it a model that no other school can afford to emulate. Hundreds of other schools have begun down the OCW path, publishing a few dozen courses. Indeed, in the current economic climate we are forced to wonder about the sustainability of a $4,000,000 program that creates no revenue for the university and is targeted primarily at off-campus users.
Von David A. Wiley, John Hilton III in der Zeitschrift International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (2009) im Text Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education auf Seite 10The MIT OpenCourseWare Project is noteworthy in its scale, completeness,
quality, and positive influence on others. It is, however, basically a digital
publishing model of high-quality, pre-credentialed, static material. The
Connexions Project complements the MIT project in that it provides not only a
rapidly growing collection of free scholarly material but also a set of free
software tools to help authors publish and collaborate; instructors build rapidly
and share custom courses; and learners explore the links among concepts,
courses, and disciplines. It focuses on building and supporting communities of
digital object consumers and producers who credential material.
Von Daniel E. Atkins, J. S. Brown, Allen L. Hammond im Buch A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement (2007) The goal of MIT OCW is to publish each and every course in the entire 1,800-course
university catalogue in a fixed period of time, and to continually republish new versions of
courses and archive older versions. The undertaking is massive, and so is the organization that
supports it. MIT OCW employs at least 29 people in service of the opencourseware project.
This includes eight core staff, five publication managers, four production team members, two
intellectual property researchers, and ten department liaisons. The two intellectual property
researchers manage rights issues for 6,000 pieces of third-party owned content each year
(e.g., requesting the right to use the materials on the MIT OCW website). Department liaisons
identify faculty to work with and manage those relationships on behalf of MIT OCW.
Von David A. Wiley im Text On the Sustainability of Open Educational Resource Initiatives in Higher Education (2006) Verwandte Objeke
Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | MIT(0.15), Open Educational Resources (OER)Open Educational Resources(0.08), creative commonscreative commons(0.03) |
Häufig co-zitierte Personen
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.
Allen L.
Daniel E.
David A.
Statistisches Begriffsnetz
Vorträge von Beat mit Bezug
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
24 Erwähnungen
- Handbuch E-Learning - Expertenwissen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (Andreas Hohenstein, Karl Wilbers) (2002)
- Massive Open Online Courses - Das Potenzial des offenen und vernetzten Lernens (Jochen Robes) (2012)
- Forum on the Impact of Open Courseware for Higher Education in Developing Countries - Final Report (UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.) (2002)
- Educause Quarterly 3/05 (2005)
- Open Educational Resources Serve the World (Sally M. Johnstone)
- On the Sustainability of Open Educational Resource Initiatives in Higher Education (David A. Wiley) (2006)
- Freie Netze. Freies Wissen. (Leonhard Dobusch, Christian Forsterleitner) (2007)
- 3. Offene Lehre ist freie Lehre ist gute Lehre - Viele Universitäten publizieren Lehrunterlagen als "Open Courseware“. Schulen und andere Bildungseinrichtungen könnten folgen. (Rebecca Kampl, Barbara Hofmann)
- Bildungsportale - Potenziale und Perspektiven netzbasierter Bildungsressourcen (Birgit Gaiser, Friedrich W. Hesse, Monika Lütke-Entrup) (2007)
- 3. Open Educational Resources are here to stay (Jan Hylén)
- A Review of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Movement - Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities (Daniel E. Atkins, J. S. Brown, Allen L. Hammond) (2007)
- DeLFI 2007 (Christian J. Eibl, Johannes Magenheim, Sigrid E. Schubert, Martin Wessner) (2007)
- Studieren neu erfinden - Hochschule neu denken - GMW-Tagung 2007 (Marianne Merkt, Kerstin Mayrberger, Rolf Schulmeister) (2007)
- Minds on Fire - EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 43, no. 1 (January/February 2008) (2008)
- Minds on Fire - Open Education, the Long Tail, and Learning 2.0 (J. S. Brown, Richard P. Adler)
- International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning - Volume 10, Number 5 (2009)
- The Horizon Report 2010 (Laurence F. Johnson, Alan Levine, Rachel S. Smith, Sonja Stone) (2010)
- A is for App - How Smartphones, Handheld Computers Sparked an Educational Revolution (Anya Kamenetz) (2010)
- Abelard to Apple - The Fate of American Colleges and Universities (Richard A. DeMillo) (2011)
- The Digital Scholar - How Technology is Transforming Academic Practice (Martin Weller) (2011)
- Trend Report: Open Educational Resources 2012 (Ria Jacobi, Nicolai van der Woert) (2012)
- Open Educational Resources (OER) für Schulen in Deutschland (Mirjam Bretschneider, Jöran Muuß-Merholz, Felix Schaumburg) (2012)
- Digitale Lehrmittelfreiheit - Mehr als digitale Schulbücher (Leonhard Dobusch) (2012)
- Konzept für Open Educational Resources im sekundären Bildungsbereich (Barbara Rossegger) (2012)
- Freie Bildungsmedien (OER) - Dossier: Offene Bildungsressourcen / Open Educational Resources - Handlungsfelder, Akteure, Entwicklungsoptionen in internationaler Perspektive (Ingo Blees, Nadia Cohen, Tamara Massar, Doris Hirschmann, Matthias Höhler, Renate Martini, Renate Tilgner) (2013)
- E-Learning zwischen Vision und Alltag - Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagung 2013 (Claudia Bremer, Detlef Krömker) (2013)
- Bildungsfreiheit als Geschäftsmodell - MOOCs fordern die Hochschulen heraus (Dmitri Bershadskyy, Claudia Bremer, Olaf Gaus)
- MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses - Offene Bildung oder Geschäftsmodell? (Rolf Schulmeister) (2013)
- Der Beginn und das Ende von OPEN - Chronologie der MOOC-Entwicklung
- Partizipative Medienkulturen - Positionen und Untersuchungen zu veränderten Formen öffentlicher Teilhabe (Ralf Biermann, Johannes Fromme, Dan Verständig) (2013)
- 9. Open Education als partizipative Medienkultur? - Eine bildungstheoretische Rahmung (M. Deimann)
- Lehrmittel in einer digitalen Welt (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michael Hielscher, Werner Hartmann) (2018)