Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher EducationDavid A. Wiley, John Hilton III
Zu finden in: International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 2009
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In the opening article, Wiley and Hilton overview societal changes that decrease the alignment of higher education institutions with the supersystem in which they exist. Their paper argues that increasing institutional openness is a prerequisite to other critical changes required to keep higher education relevant in a quickly changing world.
Von David A. Wiley, John Hilton III in der Zeitschrift International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (2009) im Text Openness and the Future of Higher Education Openness is a fundamental value underlying significant changes in society and is a prerequisite to changes institutions of higher education need to make in order to remain relevant to the society in which they exist. There are a number of ways institutions can be more open, including programs of open sharing of educational materials. Individual faculty can also choose to be more open without waiting for institutional programs. Increasing degrees of openness in society coupled with innovations in business strategy like dynamic specialization are enabling radical experiments in higher education and exerting increasing competitive pressure on conventional higher education institutions. No single response to the changes in the supersystem of higher education can successfully address every institution’s situation. However, every institution must begin addressing openness as a core organizational value if it desires to both remain relevant to its learners and to contribute to the positive advancement of the field of higher education.
Von David A. Wiley, John Hilton III in der Zeitschrift International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (2009) im Text Openness, Dynamic Specialization, and the Disaggregated Future of Higher Education Dieser Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
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