Education in the Digital Networked World Towards Defining Measures for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning in the First Year of Computer Science Studies
Zu finden in: Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing (Seite 653 bis 657), 2017
The steadily advancing digitalization of our world requires that educational systems adequately prepare everybody for the resulting challenges. Different actors in educational systems often see the solution either in digital media education, or computing education. This position paper presents a combined model – the so-called “Dagstuhl triangle”, which was developed in collaboration of about 30 computer scientists, computing and media education researchers, teachers, and representatives from IT companies and foundations.
Von Torsten Brinda, Ira Diethelm im Konferenz-Band Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing (2017) im Text Education in the Digital Networked World Dieses Kapitel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Thomas Bartoschek , Julia Behrens , Nadine Bergner , Torsten Brinda , Ira Diethelm , Leonore Dietrich , Beat Döbeli Honegger , Rüdiger Fries , Rainer Gemulla , Werner Hartmann , Lutz Hellmig , Bardo Herzig , Jürgen Hollatz , Benjamin Jörissen , Sven Kommer , Kultusministerkonferenz , Peter Kusterer , Alexander Mittag , Andreas Oberweis , Torsten Otto , Niels Pinkwart , Alexander Rabe , Gerhard Röhner , Ralf Romeike , Michael T. Rücker , Heidi Schelhowe , Björn Scheuermann , Birgit Schmitz , Johannes Schöning , Carsten Schulte , Hartmut Sommer , Jeannette M. Wing , Martin Zimnol | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Dagstuhl DreieckDagstuhl triangle , Informatikcomputer science | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Texte |
Dieses Kapitel erwähnt vermutlich nicht ...
Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Anwendungsorientierte Perspektive, Gesellschaftlich-kulturelle Perspektive, Informatik-Didaktik, Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik), Technologische Perspektive |
7 Erwähnungen
- Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing - 11th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, WCCE 2017, Dublin, Ireland, July 3-6, 2017 (Arthur Tatnall, Mary Webb) (2017)
- 49. Measuring Learners’ Interest in Computing (Education) - Development of an Instrument and First Results (Torsten Brinda, David Tobinski, Stefan Schwinem)
- HDI 2018 - 8. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Informatik und Ausbildung/Didaktik der Informatik (Nadine Bergner, René Röpke, Ulrik Schroeder, Detlef Krömker) (2018)
- Was jeder über Informatik lernen sollte - Eine Analyse von Hochschulkursen für Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen (Stefan Seegerer, Ralf Romeike)
- Informatics in Schools. New Ideas in School Informatics (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2019)
- Unplugged Activities in the Context of AI (Annabel Lindner, Stefan Seegerer, Ralf Romeike)
- WiPSCE '22 - The 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Morschach, Switzerland, 31 October 2022 - 2 November 2022 (Mareen Grillenberger, Marc Berges) (2022)
- Computing Education in (the digital) Transformation (Tilman Michaeli) (2023)
- WIPSCE '23 - The 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research (Sue Sentance, Mareen Grillenberger) (2023)
- Tokens In Mind - A Board Game Introducing the Ecological and Economic Aspects of Non-Fungible Tokens (Rupert Gehrlein, Andreas Dengel) (2023)
- Investigating the Role of Computing Education for Informed Usage Decision-Making (Luisa Gebhardt, Marc Leinweber, Tilman Michaeli) (2023)
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