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Overview and Analysis of 1:1 Learning Initiatives in Europe

, Diana Bannister, Benjamin Hertz, Ester Sigillò, Riina Vuorikari , local web 
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Overview and Analysis of 1:1 Learning Initiatives in EuropeThe study provides an overview and analysis of 1:1 initiatives in Europe, synthesising research findings on 1:1 learning in primary and secondary schools, identifying factors for successful implementation of 1:1 initiatives, and presenting policy options that successfully promote technological, pedagogical and organisational innovation in Education and Training (E&T). In particular, the report presents 31 recent 1:1 initiatives that involve approximately 47,000 schools and 17,500,000 students in primary and/or secondary education across 19 European countries.
Von Klappentext im Buch Overview and Analysis of 1:1 Learning Initiatives in Europe (2013)
Overview and Analysis of 1:1 Learning Initiatives in EuropeThis report presents the analysis of 31 recent 1:1 learning initiatives, which equip students of a given school, class or age group with a portable computer device. Overall, the analysed initiatives involve approximately 47,000 schools and 17,480,000 students in primary and secondary education across 19 European countries. Based on desk research (analysis of country reports on 1:1 initiatives and a literature review), in-depth expert interviews and stakeholder consultation in an expert workshop, the implementation strategies, the financing models and the pedagogical frameworks of these initiatives are analysed. Policy options for mainstreaming 1:1 initiatives that focus on the notion of 1:1 learning rather than 1:1 devices and successfully promote technological, pedagogical and organizational innovation are also proposed, contributing to the Europe 2020 strategy to modernize Education and Training across Europe.
Von Klappentext im Buch Overview and Analysis of 1:1 Learning Initiatives in Europe (2013)

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EuropaEurope , Innovationinnovation , iPhone-Projekt Goldau , Lernenlearning , One-to-One-ComputingOne-to-One-Computing , Projektschule Goldau , Schuleschool

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