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item response theory

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item response theory, item response Theorie, item-response-theory, probabilistische Testtheorie, IRT, PTT


Failure to DisruptStarting in the 1970s, psychometricians (statisticians who study educational testing) developed an approach called item response theory to create a mathematical model of the relative difficulty of a question, problem, or test item.
Von Justin Reich im Buch Failure to Disrupt (2020) im Text Algorithm-Guided Learning at Scale
IRT is built around the central idea that the probability of a certain answer when a person is confronted with an item, ideally can be described as a simple function of the person's position on the latent trait plus one or more parameters characterizing the particular item. For each item, the probability of a certain answer as a function of the latent trait value is called the item characteristic curve (ICC) or item response function (IRF).
Von Ivo W. Molenaar im Buch Rasch Models im Text Some Background for Item Response Theory and the Rasch Model


Failure to DisruptThese quantitative representations of learning experiences paved the way for computers to automatically generate testing and learning sequences that could adapt to the performance of individual students rather than having to manually program branches as in the TUTOR example above. Nearly all contemporary adaptive-tutoring systems use variations on this forty-year-old statistical toolkit.
Von Justin Reich im Buch Failure to Disrupt (2020) im Text Algorithm-Guided Learning at Scale

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Tom Payne Tom
Titus Winters Titus
Christine Sälzer Christine
Olaf Köller Olaf
Alexander Hug Alexander
Christoph Selter Christoph

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