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Michelle Colar Changes in CS students' sttitudes towards CS over time (2005) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2005)
Joel Colbert Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators (2008)
Siehe Handbook of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPCK) for Educators (2008)
Kenneth Colby
Devin Coldewey Google, Rome, and Empire (2009) local web 
Siehe Google, Rome, and Empire (2009) local web 
Christian Cole 30-Second Numbers (2020) local 
Siehe 30-Second Numbers (2020) local 
Elizabeth Cole An International Benchmark Study of K-12 Computer Science Education in Schools (2019) local web  (erschienen in ITiCSE 2019)
K-6 Introductory Programming (2019) local web  (erschienen in ICER 2019)
Elizabeth C. Cole On Pre-requisite Skills for Universal Computational Thinking Education (2015) local web 
Siehe On Pre-requisite Skills for Universal Computational Thinking Education (2015) local web 
Marilyn C. Cole Musicomputation (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009)
Melissa Cole Using wiki technology to support student engagement (2009) local web 
Siehe Using wiki technology to support student engagement (2009) local web 
Rachel Cole SIGCSE Special Session (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Tim Cole Digitale Aufklärung (2013) local 
Siehe Digitale Aufklärung (2013) local 
Ben Coleman What could be more SLic? (2001) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2001)
Collaboration across the curriculum (2012) local web 
A Multi-Institutional Study of Learning via Student Involvement in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software Projects (2015) local web 
Sharing Best Practices for Alumni Engagement (2015)
Student Contributions to Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) (Abstract Only) (2015)
Clark L. Coleman Defense against the dark arts (2008) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2008)
Marianne Coleman Educational Leadership and Management (2010) local 
Siehe Educational Leadership and Management (2010) local 
Anthony Coles Your Education Research Project Handbook (2010) local 
Siehe Your Education Research Project Handbook (2010) local 
Colleen Colleen Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education (2019) local web 
Siehe Rethinking Debugging as Productive Failure for CS Education (2019) local web 
Isabelle Collet DÉCODAGE C1 (2020) local web 
DÉCODAGE C2 (2023) local web 
Jo Colley Take a bite (2004) (erschienen in learning with mobile devices)
Angela Colli Conceptual Maps and Preservice Teacher Training (2005) local web 
Siehe Conceptual Maps and Preservice Teacher Training (2005) local web 
Shannon Collier A Qualitative Analysis of Students' Understanding of Conditional Control Structures (2019) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2019)
Simon Collin A Sociocritical Perspective on the Integration of Digital Technology in Education (2018) local web 
Can ICT Reduce Drop-Out Rates Among New Teachers? (2012) local web 
Allan Collins Siehe Allan Collins Siehe Allan Collins
Christopher Collins A «communication skills for computer scientists» course (2009) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2009)
Chuck Collins 99 to 1 (2012) local 
Siehe 99 to 1 (2012) local 
Edward M. Collins The design, implementation, and use of DSTutor (1991) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1991)
Jessica Collins Reading, Writing, and Deconstructing: Media Literacy as Part of the School Curriculum (2011) local web 
Siehe Reading, Writing, and Deconstructing: Media Literacy as Part of the School Curriculum (2011) local web 
Keith Collins Google collects Android users’ locations even when location services are disabled (2017) local web 
Siehe Google collects Android users’ locations even when location services are disabled (2017) local web 
Mark Collins Pro Access 2010 Development (2011) local 
Siehe Pro Access 2010 Development (2011) local 
Rod Collins Wiki Management (2013) local 
Siehe Wiki Management (2013) local 
Samuel Collins A model for piloting pathways for computational thinking in a general education curriculum (2011) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2011)
William J. Collins How Good Sorts Go Bad (1992) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 3/1992)
The Use of Turbo Vision in a Course on Object-Oriented Programming (1992) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/1992)
An Object-Oriented CS2 Course (1993) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/1993)
Estimating execution times (1991) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1991)
The trouble with for-loop invariants (1988) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1988)
Web labs for the Standard Template Library and the Java generic library in a CS2 course (1999) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1999)
Cynthia Collins Selby Relationships (2015) local web 
Siehe Relationships (2015) local web 
Timothy Collinson Virtual worlds in computing education (2009) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 4/2009)
Betty Collis Handbook on Information Technologies for Education and Training
Betty A. Collis Using Workflow for Projects in Higher Education (2000) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 3/2000)
James S. Collofello Assessing the software process maturity of software engineering courses (1994) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1994)
Kenneth Collura Tablet Technology (2006) local web 
Siehe Tablet Technology (2006) local web 
Alessandro Colombi Improving Assessment of Computational Thinking Through a Comprehensive Framework (2018) local web  (erschienen in Koli Calling 2018)
Don Colton From Archi Torture to architecture (2007) local web  (erschienen in Computer Science Education 2/2007)
Simona Colucci A Knowledge-Based Framework for E-Learning in Heterogeneous Pervasive Environments (2009) local web  (erschienen in Multiplatform E-Learning Systems and Technologies)
Sébastien Combéfis Bebras Based Activities for Computer Science Education: Review and Perspectives (2020) local web 
Siehe Bebras Based Activities for Computer Science Education: Review and Perspectives (2020) local web 
Benita Combet Women’s aversion to majors that (seemingly) require systemizing skills causes gendered field of study choice local web 
Siehe Women’s aversion to majors that (seemingly) require systemizing skills causes gendered field of study choice local web 
William Combs The course scheduling problem as a source of student projects (2005) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2005)
Dan Comden Computer science for everyone (2008) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2008)
J. Comenius Siehe J. Comenius Siehe J. Comenius
D. E. Comer Computing as a Discipline (1989) local web 
Siehe Computing as a Discipline (1989) local web 
Douglas Comer Computing as a discipline (1988) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1988)
James R. Comer Teaching a Java-based CS1 course in an academically-diverse environment (2002) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2002)
The ACM Scholastic Programming Contest - 1977 to 1990 (special panel session) (1990) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 1990)
Thomas Compagno Die neue Schule (2015) local web 
Siehe Die neue Schule (2015) local web 
Miriam Compagnoni No Loss, No Gain? COVID-19 school closures and Swiss fifth-graders' competencies and self-concept in mathematics (2023) local web 
Siehe No Loss, No Gain? COVID-19 school closures and Swiss fifth-graders' competencies and self-concept in mathematics (2023) local web 
Phillip Compeau Life After MOOCs (2015) local 
Siehe Life After MOOCs (2015) local 
Vicki J. Compton The Importance of the Conceptual in Progressing Technology Teaching and Learning (2017) local web 
Siehe The Importance of the Conceptual in Progressing Technology Teaching and Learning (2017) local web 
bcs Academy of Computing Draft ICT Programme of study (2012) local web 
Siehe Draft ICT Programme of study (2012) local web 
Raphaël Comte Jugendliche den gezielten Umgang mit neuen Medien lehren (2010) local web 
Siehe Jugendliche den gezielten Umgang mit neuen Medien lehren (2010) local web 
Mirjam Comtesse «Sich anzupassen, gilt als unmännlich» (2018) local web 
«Wozu braucht es Noten?» (2018) local web 
Xavier Comtesse Dartfish, Logitech, Swissquote und Co. (2005)