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Trond Aalberg Exploring a Student-centered Approach to Innovating Computer Science Education (2018) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Jan van Aalst Beyond «sitting next to each other» (2001) local web 
Students assessing their own collaborative knowledge building (2006) (erschienen in International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, Volume 1)
Collaborative Inquiry and Knowledge Building in Networked Multimedia Environments (2009) local web 
Empowering Students as Knowledge Builders (2012) local web 
Onni Aarne A Study of Pair Programming Enjoyment and Attendance using Study Motivation and Strategy Metrics (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Sally Aaron Disruption in Education (2002) local web 
Siehe Disruption in Education (2002) local web 
Leslie Aaronson Five Slides About (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Espen Aarseth Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal local web 
Siehe Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal local web 
Cristina L. Abad Learning through creating learning objects (2008) (erschienen in ITiCSE 2008)
Daniel F. Abawi Concepts for Extending Wiki Systems to Supplement Collaborative Learning (2006) local web 
Siehe Concepts for Extending Wiki Systems to Supplement Collaborative Learning (2006) local web 
Amos Abayomi David Intelligent Hypermedia in Education (1989) local web  (erschienen in ICCAL '89)
Janet Abbate Abstractions and Embodiments (2022) local 
Recoding Gender (2012) local 
Jana Abbing User-defined Learning Strategies (2006) local web  (erschienen in DeLFI 2006)
Edwin Abbot Flatland (1884)  local 
Siehe Flatland (1884)  local 
Chris Abbott ICT: an aid to inclusion? Reflections on the potential of ICT for the changing role of the special school (2003) local web 
Siehe ICT: an aid to inclusion? Reflections on the potential of ICT for the changing role of the special school (2003) local web 
May C. Abboud Problem Solving and Program Design (1994) (erschienen in Computer Science Education 1/1994)
T.K. Abdel-Hamid The Dynamics of Software Project Staffing (1989)
Sarah Abdellahi The Video Collaboratory as a Learning Environment (2016) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2016)
Hussein M. Abdel-Wahab Interactive remote instruction (1996) local web  (erschienen in ITiCSE 1996)
Shaghayegh Abdollahzadegan CuCoMaG - Group Reflection Support in Role-Playing Environments (2016) local web  (erschienen in DeLFI 2016)
Benadjih Oiriddine Abdou University Student Conceptions of M-learning in Bangladesh (2016) local web  (erschienen in Mobile Learning Design)
M'hammed Abdous The Impact of Academic Podcasting on Students’ Learning Outcomes (2009) local web  (erschienen in Handbook of Research on E-Learning Methodologies for Language Acquisition)
Nadeem Abdul Hamid Preparing, Visualizing, and Using Real-world Data in Introductory Courses (2018) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2018)
Towards engaging big data for CS1/2 (abstract only) (2014) (erschienen in SIGCSE 2014)
Dora Abdullah Supporting workflow in a course management system (2005) local web  (erschienen in SIGCSE 2005)