Science and the Internet |
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Do psychologists in Germany now search for relevant research publications on the Internet
in the same way they did at the end of the 1990s? Does the use of social media in teaching
really produce better learning outcomes because of the informal learning potential inherent
in social media? Do university students participate more actively as text contributors in
bottom-up wikis initiated by their fellow students than they do in top-down wikis initiated
by their instructors? What can we do about ethical beliefs pertaining to the use of the Internet
in academia that are not in accordance with the law (e.g., a belief that forwarding a digital
copy of an article to a colleague is a good thing even if the publishing contract explicitly
grants this right to the publisher only)? What are the main motives behind scholarly blogging?
Which groups of scientists are more likely to self-cite their peer-reviewed publications
in their blog posts? Can citations in Web 2.0 such as, for example, retweeting on Twitter and
social bookmarking on Delicious serve as indicators of the academic impact of a particular
scholar? Which bibliometric tools can a scholar rely on in order to keep track of all citations of
his or her publications? Will scientific texts be soon written by computers instead of human
beings? These are some of the most important issues addressed in 21 papers of the present
interdisciplinary volume, which is concerned with the influence of the Internet on various
scholarly practices in Germany and worldwide.
Von Klappentext im Buch Science and the Internet (2012) Dieses Buch erwähnt ...
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe |, facebook, formal learning, Hochschule, LehrerIn, Lernen, RSS, Schule, Top-down, Unterricht, Weblogs in education, Wiki in education, Wissensmanagement |
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2 Erwähnungen
- Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 14 (Manuela Pietraß, Johannes Fromme, Petra Grell, Theo Hug) (2017)
- 12. Die Öffnung von (Lern-)Räumen in Schule und Unterricht durch den Einsatz digitaler Medien - Der Einfluss von Computereinstellung, -ängstlichkeit und Lehrhaltung auf die digitale Mediennutzung von Lehrkräften (Lukas Schulze-Vorberg, S. Franziska C. Wenzel, Claudia Bremer, Holger Horz) (2017)
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung (Claudia de Witt, Christina Gloerfeld, Silke Elisabeth Wrede) (2023)
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