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Being Fluent with Information Technology

Committee on Information Technology Literacy , local 
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Being Fluent with Information TechnologyThis report focuses on what an individual must know and understand about information technology in order to use it effectively and productively for his or her own purposes.
Von Committee on Information Technology Literacy im Buch Being Fluent with Information Technology (1999)
Yasmin B. KafaiBeing computer literate, that is technically competent in two or three of today’s software applications, is not enough anymore. Individuals who want to realize the potential value of information technology (IT) in their everyday lives need to be computer fluent — able to use IT effectively today and to adapt to changes tomorrow. This report sets the standard for what everyone should know about IT in order to use it effectively now and in the future.
Von Yasmin B. Kafai, erfasst im Biblionetz am 14.08.2007
Being Fluent with Information TechnologyIn response to a request from the National Science Foundation, the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board of the National Research Council initiated a study in August 1997 to address the subject of information technology literacy. The intent of this report is to lay an intellectual framework for "fluency with information technology," or "FITness," that is useful for others in developing discipline-specific and/or grade-appropriate efforts to promote FITness. Chapter 1 addresses the question, "Why know about information technology?" In Chapter 2, each of the dimensions of FITness outlined in the first chapter is defined and explained more carefully. Chapter 3 discusses several collateral issues associated with the FITness framework. Chapter 4 addresses "implementational efforts" which are necessarily tied to specific grade levels. In the case of this report, they are tied to college undergraduates. Appendixes include: (A) illustrative projects, (B) related works, (C) individuals who briefed the committee, (D) workshop participants and questions posted on the internet, and (E) members of the committee.(AEF)
Von Klappentext im Buch Being Fluent with Information Technology (1999)
Being Fluent with Information TechnologyComputers, communications, digital information, software -- the constituents of the information age -- are everywhere. Being computer literate (that is, technically competent in two or three of today's software applications) is not enough anymore. Individuals who want to realize the potential value of information technology (IT) in their everyday lives need to be computer fluent -- able to use IT effectively today and to adapt to changes tomorrow.
Being Fluent with Information Technology sets the standard for what everyone should know about IT in order to use it effectively now and in the future. It explores three kinds of knowledge -- intellectual capabilities, foundational concepts, and skills -- that are essential for fluency with IT. The book presents detailed descriptions and examples of current skills and timeless concepts and capabilities, which will be useful to individuals who use IT and to the instructors who teach them.
Authored by a CSTB committee including computer scientists, a cognitive scientist, and a labor expert, this report describes an intellectual framework for fluency with information technology, i.e., the knowledge and understanding that individuals need to use today's information technology effectively and to adapt to and learn about tomorrow's information technology. The report also describes an implementational effort to increase and promote fluency with information technology among college students, an important first step in increasing fluency for all citizens.
Von Klappentext im Buch Being Fluent with Information Technology (1999)

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Beats BibliothekarLeider ist die ursprünglich im Biblionetz erfasste URL eines Volltextes seit mehr als sechs Monaten nicht mehr gültig (Fehlermeldung 404) und wurde deshalb gelöscht. Es ist mir nicht bekannt, ob das Dokument unter einer anderen Adresse noch frei auf dem Internet verfügbar ist.
Von Beats Bibliothekar, erfasst im Biblionetz am 29.07.2006

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Being Fluent with Information Technology D - - 0 030906399X Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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