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2 Bücher von Robert E. Horn
Texte von Robert E. Horn
Jahr | Volltext | Abrufe | Text | Texttyp |
2003 | 4, 3, 5, 11, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 5, 3 | Infrastructure for Navigating Interdisciplinary Debates (Robert E. Horn) erschienen in Visualizing Argumentation | Text |
Bemerkungen von Robert E. Horn
Von Robert E. Horn gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:
Bücher KB IB clear | Visual language |
Begriffswolke von Robert E. Horn
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
16 Erwähnungen
- The Language of Graphics - A framework for the analysis of syntax and meaning in maps, charts and diagrams (Jörg von Engelhardt) (2002)
- Visualizing Argumentation (Paul A. Kirschner, Simon J. Buckingham Shum, Chad Carr) (2003)
- 1. The Roots of Computer Supported Argument Visualization (Simon J. Buckingham Shum)
- 8. Infrastructure for Navigating Interdisciplinary Debates (Robert E. Horn)
- Knowledge Visualization (Martin Jürg Eppler, Remo A. Burkhard) (2004)
- Tube Map Visualization - Evaluation of a Novel Knowledge Visualization Application for the Transfer of Knowledge in Long-Term Projects (Remo A. Burkhard, Michael Meier) (2005)
- Semantic Web - Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft (Tassilo Pellegrini, Andreas Blumauer) (2006)
- Knowledge Visualization - Die nächste Herausforderung für Semantic Web Forschende? (Remo A. Burkhard)
- Towards A Periodic Table of Visualization Methods for Management (Ralph Lengler, Martin Jürg Eppler) (2006)
- Informal Learning - Rediscovering the Natural Pathways That Inspire Innovation and Performance (Jay Cross) (2006)
- Koli Calling 2010 - 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling '10, Koli, Finland, October 28-31, 2010 (Carsten Schulte, Jarkko Suhonen) (2010)
- Review of recent systems for automatic assessment of programming assignments (Petri Ihantola, Tuukka Ahoniemi, Ville Karavirta, Otto Seppälä) (2010)
- The Data Revolution (Rob Kitchin) (2014)
- Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2018)
- Computational Thinking in Education - A Pedagogical Perspective (Aman Yadav, Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen) (2021)
- 6. Assessment of Computational Thinking (David Weintrop, Daisy Rutstein, Marie A. Bienkowski, Steven McGee)