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Review of recent systems for automatic assessment of programming assignments

Petri Ihantola, Tuukka Ahoniemi, Ville Karavirta, Otto Seppälä
Zu finden in: Koli Calling 2010, 2010
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This paper presents a systematic literature review of the recent (2006--2010) development of automatic assessment tools for programming exercises. We discuss the major features that the tools support and the different approaches they are using both from the pedagogical and the technical point of view. Examples of these features are ways for the teacher to define tests, resubmission policies, security issues, and so forth. We have also identified a list of novel features, like assessing web software, that are likely to get more research attention in the future. As a conclusion, we state that too many new systems are developed, but also acknowledge the current reasons for the phenomenon. As one solution we encourage opening up the existing systems and joining efforts on developing those further. Selected systems from our survey are briefly described in Appendix A.

Von Petri Ihantola, Tuukka Ahoniemi, Ville Karavirta, Otto Seppälä im Konferenz-Band Koli Calling 2010 im Text Review of recent systems for automatic assessment of programming assignments (2010)

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Kirsti Ala-Mutka , Anton Alstes , Anna Christine M. Amarra , Mario Amelung , Ryan Shaun Baker , Kay Barzen , Michael de Raadt , Stijn Dekeyser , Svetlana Drachova-Strang , Thomas Dy , Maria Beatriz V. Espejo-Lahoz , Peter Forbrig , Olly Gotel , Jason O. Hallstrom , Margaret Hamilton , Heather K. Harton , Michael T. Helmick , Robert E. Horn , David Jackson , Matthew C. Jadud , Joan Krone , Dana P. Leonard , Sheryl Ann L. Lim , Janne Lindqvist , Jan Lönnberg , Rainer Oechsle , Rich Pak , Sheila A. M. S. Pascua , Richard E. Pattis , Michael Piotrowski , Atanas Radenski , Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo , Dietmar Rösner , Christelle Scharff , Judy Sheard , S. Simon , Murali Sitaraman , Neil Smith , Jessica O. Sugay , Emily S. Tabanao , Pete G. Thomas , Michelle M. Usher , Kevin G. Waugh , Jarred White , Andrew Wildenberg , Tien Yu Lee

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Wie lassen sich Computerprogramme bewerten/benoten?

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1981 Karel the Robot (Richard E. Pattis) 7, 6, 5, 7, 7, 4, 8, 4, 1, 4, 3, 3 23 3 3 737
1997 SIGCSE 1997 (Curt M. White, Carl Erickson, Bruce J. Klein, James E. Miller) 2, 3, 7, 7, 2, 2, 5, 2, 6, 6, 6, 2 10 219 2 352
1998 Visual language (Robert E. Horn) 3, 4, 6, 8, 3, 1, 9, 2, 4, 5, 4, 2 13 17 2 809
2005 Computer Science Education 2/20054, 3, 8, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1, 3 8 5 3 345
2006 Koli Calling 2006 (Anders Berglund, Mattias Wiggberg) 2, 6, 5, 1, 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 13, 8, 5 8 52 5 382
2007 ITiCSE 2007 (Janet Hughes, D. Ramanee Peiris, Paul T. Tymann) 3, 3, 6, 5, 1, 4, 11, 3, 9, 4, 4, 2 57 264 2 1070
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2009 ITiCSE 2009 (Patrick Brézillon, Ingrid Russell, Jean-Marc Labat) 5, 12, 3, 3, 1, 5, 8, 1, 8, 7, 3, 3 41 316 3 1292
2009 ICER 2009 (Michael J. Clancy, Michael E. Caspersen, Raymond Lister) 4, 3, 6, 5, 1, 1, 10, 3, 2, 11, 3, 1 22 36 1 411
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1997 local web  Grading student programs using ASSYST (David Jackson, Michelle M. Usher) 2 4 0 0
2005 local web  A Survey of Automated Assessment Approaches for Programming Assignments (Kirsti Ala-Mutka) 8 1 0 0
2006 local web  Do students SQLify? (Michael de Raadt, Stijn Dekeyser, Tien Yu Lee) 1 3 0 0
2007 Checking automatically the output of concurrent threads (Rainer Oechsle, Kay Barzen) 1 2 0 0
2007 VERKKOKE (Anton Alstes, Janne Lindqvist) 1 2 0 0
2007 eduComponents (Mario Amelung, Michael Piotrowski, Dietmar Rösner) 1 2 0 0
2007 Computer assisted assessment of diagrams (Pete G. Thomas, Neil Smith, Kevin G. Waugh) 1 2 0 0
2007 Interface-based programming assignments and automatic grading of java programs (Michael T. Helmick) 1 4 0 0
2008 Digital CS1 study pack based on Moodle and Python (Atanas Radenski) 1 2 0 0
2008 Towards generic and flexible web services for e-assessment (Mario Amelung, Peter Forbrig, Dietmar Rösner) 1 2 0 0
2008 Teaching software quality assurance by encouraging student contributions to an open source web-based system for the assessment of programming assignments (Olly Gotel, Christelle Scharff, Andrew Wildenberg) 1 5 0 0
2009 Affective and behavioral predictors of novice programmer achievement (Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Ryan Shaun Baker, Matthew C. Jadud, Anna Christine M. Amarra, Thomas Dy, Maria Beatriz V. Espejo-Lahoz, Sheryl Ann L. Lim, Sheila A. M. S. Pascua, Jessica O. Sugay, Emily S. Tabanao) 1 2 0 0
2009 Engaging students in specification and reasoning (Murali Sitaraman, Jason O. Hallstrom, Jarred White, Svetlana Drachova-Strang, Heather K. Harton, Dana P. Leonard, Joan Krone, Rich Pak) 1 2 0 0
2009 local web  Analysis of research into the teaching and learning of programming (Judy Sheard, S. Simon, Margaret Hamilton, Jan Lönnberg) 3, 1, 9, 7, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 2 3 1 2 207


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