uncanny valley

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50 Erwähnungen 
- Emotional Design - Why we love (or hate) everyday things (Donald A. Norman) (2004)
- Serious Virtual Worlds - A scoping study (Sara de Freitas) (2008)
- Video Game Spaces - Image, Play, and Structure in 3D Worlds (Michael Nitsche) (2009)
- The Filter Bubble - What the Internet is Hiding from You (Eli Pariser) (2011)
- Alone together - Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other (Sherry Turkle) (2011)
- SIGCSE 2011 - Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, SIGCSE 2011, Dallas, TX, USA, March 9-12, 2011 (Thomas J. Cortina, Ellen Lowenfeld Walker, Laurie A. Smith King, David R. Musicant) (2011)
- Nelson - a low-cost social robot for research and education (Michael Ferguson, Nick Webb, Tomek Strzalkowski) (2011)
- Nelson - a low-cost social robot for research and education (Michael Ferguson, Nick Webb, Tomek Strzalkowski) (2011)
- The Blind Giant - Being Human in a Digital World (Nick Harkaway) (2012)
- The Gamification of Learning and Instruction - Game-based Methods and Strategies for Training and Education (Karl M. Kapp) (2012)
- Computers as Theatre (2nd edition) (Brenda Laurel) (2013)
- The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook - Ideas into Practice (Karl M. Kapp) (2013)
- Bewusstsein - Bekenntnisse eines Hirnforschers (Christof Koch) (2013)
- Arbeitsfrei - Eine Entdeckungsreise zu den Maschinen, die uns ersetzen (Constanze Kurz, Frank Rieger) (2013)
- 50 Schlüsselideen der Zukunft (Richard Watson) (2014)
- 34. Uncanny Valley - Das Phänomen des «unheimlichen Tals»
- 34. Uncanny Valley - Das Phänomen des «unheimlichen Tals»
- Die Physik des Bewusstseins (Michio Kaku) (2014)
- Enchanted Objects - Design, Human Desire, and the Internet of Things (David Rose) (2014)
- The Master Algorithm - How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine Will Remake Our World (Pedro Domingos) (2015)
- 100 MORE Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People (Susan Weinschenk) (2015)
- Wenn Träume erwachsen werden - Ein Blick auf das digitale Zeitalter (Jaron Lanier) (2015)
- Reclaiming Conversation - The Power of Talk in a Digital Age (Sherry Turkle) (2015)
- The Future of the Professions - How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts (Richard Susskind, Daniel Susskind) (2016)
- 300 Keywords Informationsethik - Grundwissen aus Computer- Netz- und Neue-Medien-Ethik sowie Maschinenethik (Oliver Bendel) (2016)
- Robots (John M. Jordan) (2016)
- Smarte Maschinen - Wie künstliche Intelligenz unser Leben verändert (Ulrich Eberl) (2016)
- The Cyber Effect - A Pioneering Cyberpsychologist Explains How Human Behavior Changes Online (Mary Aiken) (2016)
- Artificial Intuition - The Improbable Deep Learning Revolution (Carlos E. Perez) (2017)
- Elements of Robotics (Mordechai Ben-Ari, Francesco Mondada) (2017)
- EdMedia 2018 (2018)
- Implementation and evaluation of an information moral education system through the experience of a perpetrator and a victim by VR and feedback method (Hiroshi Nakayama, Daichi Takishima, Toshiki Matsuda)
- Implementation and evaluation of an information moral education system through the experience of a perpetrator and a victim by VR and feedback method (Hiroshi Nakayama, Daichi Takishima, Toshiki Matsuda)
- New Dark Age - Technology and the End of the Future (James Bridle) (2018)
- Possible Minds - 25 Ways of Looking at AI (John Brockman) (2019)
- Team Human (Douglas Rushkoff) (2019)
- Virtual Reality (Samuel Greengard) (2019)
- Believing in Bits - Digital Media and the Supernatural (Simone Natale, Diana Pasulka) (2019)
- 30-second AI and robotics - 50 key notions, characters, fields and events in the rise of intelligent machines, each explained in half a minute (Sofia Ceppi, Luis de Miranda, Steve Rawlings) (2019)
- Should Robots Replace Teachers? - AI and the Future of Education (Neil Selwyn) (2019)
- The Alignment Problem (Brian Christian) (2020)
- New Laws of Robotics (Frank Pasquale) (2020)
- DELFI 2020 - Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Raphael Zender, Dirk Ifenthaler, Thiemo Leonhardt, Clara Schumacher) (2020)
- Potential vs. Practice - Challenges for the Implementation of Augmented Reality for Learning and Training in Practice (Niklas Osmers, Michael Prilla)
- Potential vs. Practice - Challenges for the Implementation of Augmented Reality for Learning and Training in Practice (Niklas Osmers, Michael Prilla)
- Digitalisierung der Bildung - FIfF-Kommunikation 4/2020 (2020)
- Code as Creative Medium (Golan Levin, Tega Brain) (2021)
- Story Machines - How Computers Have Become Creative Writers (Mike Sharples, Rafael Pérez y Pérez) (2022)
- The Metaverse - And How it Will Revolutionize Everything (Matthew Ball) (2022)
- Einen Schritt voraus - Matthew Balls Vision des Metaverse (André Kramer) (2022)
- What is the Avatar? - Fiction and Embodiment in Avatar-Based Singleplayer Computer Games. Revised and Commented Edition (Rune Klevjer) (2022)
- How good is ChatGPT at playing chess? - (Spoiler: you’ll be impressed) (Ivan Reznikov) (2022)
- You & AI - Alles über Künstliche Intelligenz und wie sie unser Leben prägt (Anne Scherer, Cindy Candrian) (2023)
- KI-Realitäten (Richard Groß, Rita Jordan) (2023)
- Digitalisierung in der Lehrer:innenbildung - Corona als Katalysator?! (Julian Aufenanger, Michael Bigos) (2023)
- Menschenrechtsbildung und Digitalisierung - oder: Was Old Shatterhand mit Digitalität zu tun hat (Manuel Theophil)
- Menschenrechtsbildung und Digitalisierung - oder: Was Old Shatterhand mit Digitalität zu tun hat (Manuel Theophil)
- In der Plattformfalle - Plädoyer zur Rückeroberung des Internets (Geert Lovink) (2024)
- Einleitung: Phantome der Plattform oder die getrübte Aufklärung des Internets
- Einleitung: Phantome der Plattform oder die getrübte Aufklärung des Internets
- Professional Development for Teachers in the Age of AI - European Schoolnet Academy Thematic Seminar Report (Mutlu Cukurova, Lidija Kralj, Benjamin Hertz, Efi Saltidou) (2024)
- Populismus und Protest - Demokratische Öffentlichkeiten und Medienbildung in Zeiten von Rechtsextremismus und Digitalisierung (Sabrina Schenk) (2024)
- Programmierter Protest? - Ausdrucksformen des Widerstands im digitalen Zeitalter (Juliane Ahlborn, Dan Verständig)
- Programmierter Protest? - Ausdrucksformen des Widerstands im digitalen Zeitalter (Juliane Ahlborn, Dan Verständig)