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Professional Development for Teachers in the Age of AI

European Schoolnet Academy Thematic Seminar Report
Mutlu Cukurova, Lidija Kralj, Benjamin Hertz, Efi Saltidou , local web 
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Professional Development for Teachers in the Age of AI

This report explores how professional development for teachers needs to change in the age of AI. From fostering an understanding of AI applications in education to equipping teachers with the requisite skills to leverage these technologies, our analysis aims to provide insights into how professional development can empower teachers to navigate the complexities of the changes brought about by AI.

The report addresses three crucial areas pertaining to the integration of AI in teacher training.

  1. First and foremost, the report examines the key question of what areas professional development initiatives should prioritise to adequately prepare teachers for the challenges and opportunities presented by the era of AI.
  2. Second, it delves into the ways AI can be effectively utilised by teacher trainers to enhance the training process.
  3. Last, the report provides summaries of four examples from practice where teacher trainers have implemented training activities that focus on AI and what they have learnt in the process.

By investigating these aspects, the report seeks to provide teacher trainers with valuable insights and guidance as they navigate the intersection of AI and teacher professional development.

Von Mutlu Cukurova, Lidija Kralj, Benjamin Hertz, Efi Saltidou in der Broschüre Professional Development for Teachers in the Age of AI (2024)

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KB IB clear
Emily M. Bender , Timnit Gebru , Angelina McMillan-Major , Shmargaret Shmitchell

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AI literacy , Bildungeducation (Bildung) , DigComp , DigCompEdu , Elternparents , EuropaEurope , formal learningformal learning , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , LehrerInteacher , LehrerInnen-Bildungteacher training , non-formal learningnon-formal learning , Schuleschool , Technologietechnology , uncanny valley
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2021 local web  On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots (Emily M. Bender, Timnit Gebru, Angelina McMillan-Major, Shmargaret Shmitchell) 3, 2, 9, 5, 9, 7, 5, 4, 12, 11, 17, 11 48 25 11 209

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