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Beats Biblionetz - Begriffe

tinkering tinkering


tinkering, bricoler, chlüttere, basteln


Invent to LearnTinkering is a uniquely human activity, combining social and creative forces that encompass play and learning.
Von Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager im Buch Invent to Learn (2013) im Text Learning
Invent to LearnTinkering, when presented as a way to approach problems in an iterative, contemplative fashion, can take its rightful place in schools next to analytical approaches to problem solving.
Von Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager im Buch Invent to Learn (2013) im Text Learning
Invent to LearnIn her book The Second Self, Sherry Turkle describes tinkering as an alternate, but equally valuable approach to science, calling it “soft mastery” in contrast to the “hard mastery” of linear, step-by-step problem solving, flowcharting, and analytical approaches. (Turkle, 1984).
Von Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager im Buch Invent to Learn (2013) im Text Learning
Invent to LearnThe point is not that tinkering is good for one type of student and not others. Tinkering is not what you do with the students who “can’t do regular work” or just something to make girls feel comfortable. Adopting a tinkering mindset in your classroom allows all students to learn in their own style.
Von Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager im Buch Invent to Learn (2013) im Text Learning
Invent to LearnTinkering is a way of thinking that allows children to naturally integrate the arts into their learning. As a project comes together, some of the decisions made by the learner will naturally be artistic ones. Should I paint my robot? My space game looks boring. Can I draw a cool alien planet background? The arts and sciences are a natural marriage when students have sufficient time for project development, reflection, and revision.
Von Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager im Buch Invent to Learn (2013) im Text Thinking about Thinking

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iconRelevante Personen

Gary Stager Gary
Sylvia Libow Martinez Sylvia Libow

iconHäufig erwähnende Personen

Gary Stager Gary
Sylvia Libow Martinez Sylvia Libow

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Seymour Papert Seymour
Sylvia Libow Martinez Sylvia Libow
Gary Stager Gary
Paula Hooper Paula
Lee Martin Lee
Mitchel Resnick Mitchel

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