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Martin Ford

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Rise of the Robots

Technology and the Threat of a Jobless Future

(Martin Ford) (2015) local 

iconDefinitionen von Martin Ford

alien invasion parable
  • To visualize the most extreme possible implications of Reuther’s warning, consider a thought experiment. Imagine that Earth is suddenly invaded by a strange extraterrestrial species. As thousands of the creatures stream off their massive spacecraft, humanity comes to understand that the visitors have not come to conquer us, or to extract our resources, or even to meet our leader. The aliens, it turns out, have come to work.
    von Martin Fordim Buch Rise of the Robots (2015) im Text Consumers, Limits to Growth . . . and Crisis?

iconBemerkungen von Martin Ford

Von Martin Ford gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:

KB IB clear
alien invasion parablealien invasion parable


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Rise of the Robots: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: 826 kByte)

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