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Maine’s One-to-One Laptop Program Maine’s One-to-One Laptop Program

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Maine’s One-to-One Laptop Program, Maine Learning Technology Initiative, MLTI


Using Laptops to Facilitate Middle School Science LearningBeginning in 2002, the MLTI program provided laptops to all 7th and 8th grade students and teachers in the state of Maine. In addition, Airport wireless networking, Internet access, and a variety of educational software has been provided. Furthermore, technical assistance and professional development for effectively integrating the laptops into the classroom curriculum have been provided to educators on an ongoing basis.
Von Alexis M. Berry, Sarah E. Wintle im Buch Using Laptops to Facilitate Middle School Science Learning (2009) auf Seite  1
The Maine Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) is a statewide program through which students in seventh and eighth grade are given a laptop computer. Seventh grade students and their teachers in more than 240 schools first received laptops in Fall 2002 (Fairman, 2004; Silvernail & Lane 2004); eighth grade students and their teachers received laptops the following year. In all, laptops were distributed to over 34,000 students and 3,000 teachers during the initial phase, and since that time, all Maine seventh and eighth graders have received laptops. In 2009, the MLTI was expanded to include Maine high schools with the distribution of about 65,000 laptops to students and faculty in grades 7 through 12. As of January 2010, participants in the MLTI included 226 middle schools (100%), 66 public (55%) and 1 private high school, 29,570 7-8th grade students, 23,717 9-12th grade students, 4,468 7-8th teachers, and 7, 401 9-12th grade teachers (Maine Department of Education, 2010)
Von Rodolfo Argueta, Jessica Huff, Jennifer Tingen, Jenifer O. Corn im Text Laptop Initiatives: Summary of Research Across Six States (2011)


The Maine Learning and Technology Initiative [MLTI] is one of the highest profile 1:1 efforts. Launched in 2001 with a price tag totaling nearly $120 million, MLTI is the first statewide 1:1 initiative in the USA (McCarthy & Breen, 2001).
Von Mark E. Weston, Alan Bain in der Zeitschrift Journal of Technology, Learning, and Assessment (Volume 9) im Text The End of Techno-Critique (2010)

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iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

David L. Silvernail David L.
Dawn M. M. Lane Dawn M. M.
Mark Warschauer Mark
Hakan Demirtas Hakan
James Cengiz Gulek James Cengiz
Douglas Grimes Douglas
Aaron K. Gritter Aaron K.
David A. Hernandez David A.
Kurt A. Suhr Kurt A.
Bob Johnstone Bob
Gerda Kysela-Schiemer Gerda
S. Rockman S.
Steven M. Ross Steven M.
Deborah L. Lowther Deborah L.
Damian Bebell Damian
Jennifer Higgins Jennifer
Michael Vallendor Michael
Microsoft Microsoft
Larry Cuban Larry
Judith Haymore Sandholtz Judith Haymore
David C. Dwyer David C.
Cathy Ringstaff Cathy
Tina Matuchniak Tina
Oliver Vorndran Oliver
Michael Russell Michael
Morgan Ames Morgan

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