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Investigating the Role of ChatGPT in Supporting Text-Based Programming Education for Students and Teachers

Markus Wieser, Klaus Schöffmann, Daniela Stefanics, Andreas Bollin, Stefan Pasterk
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Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in EducationTeaching text-based programming poses significant challenges in both school and university contexts. This study explores the potential of ChatGPT as a sustainable didactic tool to support students, freshmen, and teachers. By focusing on a beginner’s course with examples also relevant to vocational schools, we investigated three research questions. First, the extent to which ChatGPT assists students in solving and understanding initial examples; secondly, the feasibility of teachers utilizing the chatbot for grading student solutions; and finally, the additional support ChatGPT provides in terms of teaching. Our findings demonstrate that ChatGPT offers valuable guidance for teachers in terms of assessment and grading and aids students in understanding and optimizing their solutions.
Von Markus Wieser, Klaus Schöffmann, Daniela Stefanics, Andreas Bollin, Stefan Pasterk im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education (2023) im Text Investigating the Role of ChatGPT in Supporting Text-Based Programming Education for Students and Teachers

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T. Andrew Binkowski , Emily M. Bender , Sarah Blanchard , Matt Brandt , Kathryn Cunningham , Barbara J. Ericson , John D. Ferguson , Colin J. Fidge , James D. Foley , Diana Franklin , Timnit Gebru , Mark Guzdial , Brian Hanks , John Leaney , Raymond Lister , Linxiao Ma , Angelina McMillan-Major , Cheryl Moran , Kathryn M. Rich , Jochen Rick , Marc Roper , Shmargaret Shmitchell , Simon , Susan Snowdon , Carla Strickland , Donna Teague , Murray Wood

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Chat-GPT , LehrerInteacher , Programmierenprogramming
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
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