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Theory, Perspectives, and Practice
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ConstructivismDrawing on the psychological works of Piaget and Vygotsky, constructivism has merged as a leading theory in curriculum teaching. This work examins the theories of constructivism and its relationship to teaching and learning.
Von Klappentext im Buch Constructivism (1996)
ConstructivismThis enduring bestseller remains the most comprehensive examination of constructivism and its relationship to teaching and learning. Closing the gap between theory and practice, well-known scholars make constructivism accessible by showing its application in everyday classrooms. Building on the success of the first edition, the authors have completely updated this popular text and expanded its scope to include examples of constructivist teaching across all grade levels and disciplines. An ambitious revision of a now classic text, Constructivism: Theory, Perspectives, and Practice, Second Edition is an invaluable resource for practicing teachers, teacher educators, and curriculum specialists in mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts. Analyzing both "traditional" and "progressive" education, Dr. Dewey here insists that neither the old nor the new education is adequate and that each is miseducative because neither of them applies the principles of a carefully developed philosophy of experience. Many pages of this volume illustrate Dr. Dewey's ideas for a philosophy of experience and its relation to education. He particularly urges that all teachers and educators looking for a new movement in education should think in terms of the deeped and larger issues of education rather than in terms of some divisive "ism" about education, even such an "ism" as "progressivism." His philosophy, here expressed in its most essential, most readable form, predicates an American educational system that respects all sources of experience, on that offers a true learning situation that is both historical and social, both orderly and dynamic.
Von Klappentext im Buch Constructivism (1996)

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Konstruktivismusconstructivism , Lernenlearning


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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Constructivism E Paperback - 1 1996 0807734888 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!
Constructivism E - - 2 2005 0807745707 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!
Constructivism E Gebunden - 1 1996 0807734896 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de Buy it now!

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