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Finnish 5th and 6th graders’ misconceptions about artificial intelligence

Pekka Mertala, Janne Fagerlund
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Research on children’s initial conceptions of AI is in an emerging state, which, from a constructivist viewpoint, challenges the development of pedagogically sound AI-literacy curricula, methods, and materials. To contribute to resolving this need in the present paper, qualitative survey data from 195 children were analyzed abductively to answer the following three research questions: What kind of misconceptions do Finnish 5th and 6th graders’ have about the essence AI?; 2) How do these misconceptions relate to common misconception types?; and 3) How profound are these misconceptions? As a result, three misconception categories were identified: 1) Nontechnological AI, in which AI was conceptualized as peoples’ cognitive processes (factual misconception); 2) Anthropomorphic AI, in which AI was conceptualized as a human-like entity (vernacular, non-scientific, and conceptual misconception); and 3) AI as a machine with a pre-installed intelligence or knowledge (factual misconception). Majority of the children evaluated their AI-knowledge low, which implies that the misconceptions are more superficial than profound. The findings suggest that context-specific linguistic features can contribute to students’ AI misconceptions. Implications for future research and AI literacy education are discussed.
Von Pekka Mertala, Janne Fagerlund im Text Finnish 5th and 6th graders’ misconceptions about artificial intelligence (2024)


Beat Döbeli HoneggerIch finde es mutig, beim schwammigen und oft unterschiedlich definierten Begriff und Thema "Artificial Intelligence" Misskonzepte von Fünft- und Sechstklässler:innen zu untersuchen.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 07.01.2024

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Parvaneh Babari , William F. Brewer , Martina Conti , Beat Döbeli Honegger , Peter Edelsbrunner , Michael Hielscher , Daniel Kahneman , Ray Kurzweil , Jaron Lanier , Eva Marinus , Niels Pinkwart , Michael T. Rücker , Neil Selwyn , Sherry Turkle , Stella Vosniadou

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AI literacy , Alexa , Algorithmusalgorithm , Chat-GPT , Datendata , Fehlvorstellungen / misconceptions , Gehirnbrain , Generative Machine-Learning-Systeme (GMLS)computer-generated text , Kinderchildren , Künstliche Intelligenz (KI / AI)artificial intelligence , Maschinemachine , Siri , Sprachassistenten
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