Computerspiele fördern Lernen |
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Von Seymour Papert an der Veranstaltung Digitale Lernwelten (1999) im Text Digitale Lerntechnologien
There are many claims found in the literature for and against the usefulness of computer games in encouraging learning. It is asserted that the use of such games can stimulate the enjoyment, motivation and engagement of users, aiding recall and information retrieval, and can also encourage the development of various social and cognitive skills.
Von Alice Mitchell, Carol Savill-Smith im Buch The use of computer and video games for learning (2004) im Text Introduction and overview of the literature Zitationsgraph
21 Erwähnungen
- Computer Games and Learning - Why do we think it's worth talking about computer games and learning in the same breath? (Keri Facer)
- Computer und Schriftspracherwerb - Programmentwicklungen, Anwendungen, Lernkonzepte (Werner Hofmann, Jochen Müsseler, Heike Adolphs) (1993)
- Computer im Grundschulunterricht? - Erfahrungen aus einer Lernwerkstatt (Albrecht Bohnenkamp)
- Constructionism in Practice - Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World (Yasmin B. Kafai, Mitchel Resnick) (1996)
- 4. Learning Design by Making Games - Children's Development of Design Strategies in the Creation of a Complex Computational Artifact (Yasmin B. Kafai)
- Digitale Lernwelten - Veranstaltung des GDI am 29.September 1999 (1999)
- Digitale Lerntechnologien - Kleine Verbesserungen oder Revolution im Lernen? (Seymour Papert)
- Supermario als Lernhilfe (Hiroshi Masuyama)
- Digital Game-Based Learning (Marc Prensky) (2001)
- Handbuch E-Learning - Expertenwissen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis (Andreas Hohenstein, Karl Wilbers) (2002)
- Game-based Learning - Erfahrungen mit und Perspektiven für digitale Lernspiele in der betrieblichen Bildung (Christoph Meier, Sabine Seufert) (2003)
- What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy (J. P. Gee) (2003)
- The use of computer and video games for learning - A review of the literature (Alice Mitchell, Carol Savill-Smith) (2004)
- 1. Introduction and overview of the literature
- 3. Why use computer games for learning?
- E-Learning Games - Interactive Strategies for Digital Delivery (Kathleen M. Iverson) (2004)
- New Tools for Back-to-School - Blogs, Swarms, Wikis, and Games (Educause Review October 2004, Volume 39, Number 5) (2004)
- Game Based Learning (Joel Foreman)
- Video games and the future of learning (David Williamson Shaffer, Kurt Squire, Richard Halverson, J. P. Gee) (2004)
- Everything Bad is Good for You - How Popular Culture Is Making Us Smarter (Steven Johnson) (2005)
- How Computer Games Help Children Learn (David Williamson Shaffer) (2006)
- Creating a Science of Games - Communications of the ACM. Volume 50 , Issue 7 (July 2007) (2007)
- Creating a science of games (Michael Zyda)
- Machen Computer dumm und aggressiv? - Ein Streitgespräch über die Folgen mit dem Medienwissenschaftler Peter Vorderer und dem Psychiater Manfred Spitzer. (Peter Vorderer, Manfred Spitzer, Martin Spiewak) (2012)
- Gamen macht klug (Martin Lorber, Thomas Schutz) (2016)
- Von der Schiefertafel zum Tablet (Dölf Barben) (2016)
- Horizonte Nr. 116 (2018)
- Medien und Schule - Unterrichten mit Whiteboard, Smartphone und Co. (Heike Schaumburg, Doreen Prasse) (2018)