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creative coding

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Art education in the post-digital eraCreative coding could be described as programming where expression is more important than function (PBS, 2013).
Von Tomi Slotte Dufva in der Dissertation Art education in the post-digital era (2018) auf Seite  42
Creative Computation is an emerging discipline that combines theory and methodology from computer science and engineering with aesthetic principles, creative practice and pedagogical approaches from the fine and graphic arts.
Von Dianna Xu, Ursula Wolz, Deepak Kumar, Ira Greenburg im Konferenz-Band SIGCSE 2018 im Text Updating Introductory Computer Science with Creative Computation (2018)
Art education in the post-digital eraCreative coding expands the notion of programming from writing code to a broader artistic activity that includes code. Instead of just writing software, many projects include physical elements, electronics, sensors, and interaction with the physical world. From home-built smart home appliances to interactive and immersive art installations, creative coding uses the whole field of digital technology as ist material as well as ist tool.
Von Tomi Slotte Dufva in der Dissertation Art education in the post-digital era (2018) auf Seite  43
Beat Döbeli HoneggerIn meiner Wahrnehmung gibt es mindestens zwei Definitionen dieses Begriffs. In einer engeren Sichtweise wird unter creative coding verstanden, mit Hilfe von Programmcode künstlerische Werke zu schaffen, eine Tätigkeit, die im schulischen Kontext im Kunstunterricht oder im bildnerischen Gestalten stattfinden würde.
In einem vor allem von Informatik-DidaktikerInnen geteilten breiteren Verständnis ist mit creative coding jegliche Programmiertätigkeit gemeint, die kein reines Mathematik- oder IngenieurInnen-Problem zu lösen versucht und ästhetisch-gestalterische Aspekte/Freiheiten mit sich bringt. Im schulischen Kontext können solche Programme in allen Fächern entstehen.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 07.01.2022


Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and EducationCreative coding, an oxymoron as Knochel & Patton suggest (2015), takes an alternative approach to coding, focusing on the expressive sides of code instead of the functional.
Von Tomi Slotte Dufva im Buch Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education (2021) im Text Creative Coding as Compost(ing)
Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and EducationIn general, creative coding includes a broad collection of tools, coding frameworks and software (Processing, Pure Data, Open Frameworks, Arduino, and so on) as well as multiple contexts of art-making and (sub)cultures (code poetry, live coding, hacker culture, maker culture, free software, and so on). From the art educational context, the shift to focus on expression rather than functionality in coding is considerable as it allows for a more in-depth working between the disciplines and enables new kinds of expression in the digital domain (Ettinger, 1988; Knochel & Patton, 2015).
Von Tomi Slotte Dufva im Buch Post-Digital, Post-Internet Art and Education (2021) im Text Creative Coding as Compost(ing)
Creative Computation showcases the theory of visual arts rendered through computer code. In addition to a firm grounding in programming principles, students learn essential graphics operations such as transformations, iteration and randomization, algorithmic drawing, animations, basic physics-based simulations, and interactivity. Domains of inquiry go well beyond commercial level media graphics (e.g. what you might see on a web-page or mobile device) and include creative use of image processing and emergent systems. As a true blending of science and art, Creative Computation requires understanding of and practice in the intersection of analysis and aesthetics. For example, pixel-based image manipulations require mastery of efficient algorithms for data structures such as two and higher-dimensional arrays; text and data visualization require a fusion of artistic design and application of sophisticated data structures and algorithms; rendering L-systems requires deep understanding of recursion and recursive structures.
Von Dianna Xu, Ursula Wolz, Deepak Kumar, Ira Greenburg im Konferenz-Band SIGCSE 2018 im Text Updating Introductory Computer Science with Creative Computation (2018)

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
processing (Programmiersprache)processing(0.05)

iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

John Maeda John
Tucker R. Balch Tucker R.
Daniel Walker Daniel
Jay Summet Jay
Keith J. O'Hara Keith J.
Douglas S. Blank Douglas S.
Deepak Kumar Deepak
Ursula Wolz Ursula
Michael C. Jackson Michael C.
Mitchel Resnick Mitchel
Gerhard Fischer Gerhard
David M. Berry David M.
M. Czerwinski M.

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