Implementation of technology-supported personalized learning - its impact on instructional qualityErstpublikation in: y, The Journal of Educational Research
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Digital technology especially raised hopes to open up new possibilities to personalize learning. Although various schools have implemented approaches of technology-supported personalized learning, the impact on instructional quality remains unclear. As a common definition of the multilayered construct personalized learning is lacking, our study focuses on two theoretical dimensions of technology-supported personalized learning to investigate the impact on instructional quality. For this purpose, our study has analyzed data from a survey of N = 860 students (8th grade) from 31 Swiss schools with personalized learning concepts. Results show that student-centered teaching methods in the context of technology-supported personalized learning stimulate the cognitive activation of the students, and the supportive climate increases slightly with a higher degree of students’ voice and choice on the computer.
Von Regina Schmid, Christine Pauli, Rita Stebler, Kurt Reusser, Dominik Petko im Text Implementation of technology-supported personalized learning - its impact on instructional quality (2022) Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Curriculum / Lehrplan, Eltern, Internet, Lehrplan 21, Primarschule (1-6) / Grundschule (1-4) |
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