Informatik = Ingenieurwissenschaft | ![]() |


Many computing activities are centred around requirement analysis, design, implementation, evaluation and the production of useful artefacts. The questions that computing answers and the problems it solves are often of the engineeringtype ‘how’ questions. Many problems in computing require design and engineering methods and a procedural knowledge base of rules, heuristics and processes. Design and engineering are an integral part of tertiary computing education, and their importance is acknowledged also at school levels.

3 Vorträge von Beat mit Bezug
- Informatik in der Volksschule: Was - Warum - Wie?
Einstiegsvortrag Kaderkurs "Informatische Bildung" der OSKIN
PH Zug, 14.01.2015 - Medien, Informatik und Anwendungskompetenzen
Informatik im Lehrplan 21: Situierung und Umsetzungsideen
Workshop der kantonalen ICT-Center, PHBern, 25.08.2015 - Informatik in der Schule - Ja, aber wie?
1. Tag des Informatikunterrichts, Universität Saarbrücken, 06.03.2019