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Schools, Teachers, Students and Computers

A Cross-National Perspective. IEA-Comped Study Stage 2.
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Schools, Teachers, Students and ComputersThe Computers in Education (Comped) study was designed as a two-stage survey. The first stage (1987-1990) was aimed at gathering information from a representative sample of schools at elementary, lower secondary and upper secondary level with regard to the state of computer use in education. The survey's focus was on the extent and availability of computers in schools, how computers are used, nature of instruction about computers, and the estimates of the effects that computers are having on students, curriculum, and the school as an institution. This publication describes Stage 2. The first part of Stage 2 was a repetition of the survey of Stage 1, with data collection centering on a school questionnaire. This enabled a longitudinal study of trends. Part 2 of Stage 2 studied the relationship between policy, practice, and outcomes with respect to computers in education relating variables referring to school, teacher, and classroom practice to student variables such as functional computer literacy, specific knowledge about and experiences with computers, performance in handling computers as well as attitudes towards computers and their uses. Ten countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, Latvia, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and the United States) participated. Because thorough analyses have not yet been done, the presentation is mostly descriptive. The data collected are presented in 31 tables and 38 figures. Twelve appendixes, with an additional 30 tables, contain detailed information on participating countries, sampling, computer uses, and responses to specific questionnaire items. (Contains 56 references.) (SLD)
Von Klappentext im Buch Schools, Teachers, Students and Computers (1993)

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W. J. Pelgrum , Tjeerd Plomp

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computer literacycomputer literacy , Deutschlandgermany , IndienIndia , Japan , LehrerInteacher , NiederlandeThe Netherlands , ÖsterreichAustria
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
1991 local  The use of computers in education worldwide (W. J. Pelgrum, Tjeerd Plomp) 30, 42, 13, 3, 1 65189

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