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Harriet G. Taylor

Dies ist keine offizielle Homepage von Harriet G. Taylor, E-Mails an Harriet G. Taylor sind hier nicht möglich!
This is not an official homepage of Harriet G. Taylor and it is not possible to contact Harriet G. Taylor here!

Diese Seite wurde seit 5 Jahren inhaltlich nicht mehr aktualisiert. Unter Umständen ist sie nicht mehr aktuell.

icon15 Texte von Harriet G. Taylor Hier finden Sie Texte der gewählten Person, die nicht in den oben aufgelisteten Büchern zu finden sind.

Jahr Volltext Abrufe Text Texttyp
1988 local web  Recruiting more computer science students - what to do after the «glamour» has gone away? (William E. McBride, James Calhoun, James L. Richards, Harriet G. Taylor, F. Garnet Walters)
erschienen in SIGCSE 1988 (Seite 181 - 181)
1988 local web  Retraining pre-college teachers - a survey of state computing coordinators (Harriet G. Taylor, Cathleen A. Norris)
erschienen in SIGCSE 1988 (Seite 215 - 218)
1989 local web  The effect of high school computer science, gender, and work on success in college computer science (Harriet G. Taylor, Luegina C. Mounfield)
erschienen in SIGCSE 1989 (Seite 195 - 198)
1994 Project Development Approach to Technical Writing in the Computer Science Classroom - A Template for Management (Katharine M. Paine, Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in Computer Science Education 2/1994 (Seite 123 - 136)
1995 local web  The effective integration of software engineering principles throughout the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract) (Renée McCauley, Clark B. Archer, Nell B. Dale, Rym Mili, James Robergé, Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in SIGCSE 1995 (Seite 364 - 365)
1996 local web  Integrating multimedia and telecommunications laboratory experiences into teacher education (Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in ITiCSE 1996
1997 local web  You learned all you need to design educational software design in kindergarten (panel) (Hal Berghel, Cathleen A. Norris, Elliot Soloway, Harriet G. Taylor, Joe Turner)
erschienen in ITiCSE 1997
1997 local web  The evolution of standards for accrediting computer science teacher preparation programs (Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in SIGCSE 1997 (Seite 67 - 71)
1999 local web  Implementing national educational technology standards for student in the United States (Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in ITiCSE 1999
2005 local web  Taking advantage of national science foundation funding opportunities (Steve Cunningham, Diana Gant, Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2005 (Seite 193 - 193)
2007 local web  Funding opportunities in computer science education at the national science foundation (Mark Burge, Diana Burley, Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2007 (Seite 49 - 49)
2008 local web  Exploring NSF funding opportunities (Stephen Cooper, Timothy V. Fossum, Harriet G. Taylor)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2008 (Seite 197 - 198)
2009 Computational thinking (CT) - on weaving it in (Paul Curzon, Joan Peckham, Harriet G. Taylor, Amber Settle, Eric Roberts)
erschienen in ITiCSE 2009 (Seite 201 - 202)
2010 local web  Understanding NSF funding opportunities (Scott Grissom, Joan Peckham, Harriet G. Taylor, Guy-Alain Amoussou, Victor Piotrowski)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2010 (Seite 129 - 130)
2011 local web  Understanding NSF funding opportunities (Scott Grissom, Sue Fitzgerald, Victor Piotrowski, Jan Cuny, Joan Peckham, Harriet G. Taylor, Daniel Menelly, Mimi McClure)
erschienen in SIGCSE 2011 (Seite 319 - 320)

iconBemerkungen von Harriet G. Taylor

Von Harriet G. Taylor gibt es im Biblionetz Bemerkungen zu:

KB IB clear
Funding opportunities in computer science education at the national science foundation, Implementing national educational technology standards for student in the United States, Project Development Approach to Technical Writing in the Computer Science Classroom, Recruiting more computer science students - what to do after the «glamour» has gone away?, Taking advantage of national science foundation funding opportunities, The effect of high school computer science, gender, and work on success in college computer science, The evolution of standards for accrediting computer science teacher preparation programs, Understanding NSF funding opportunities



Guy-Alain Amoussou, Clark B. Archer, Hal Berghel, Mark Burge, Diana Burley, James Calhoun, Stephen Cooper, Steve Cunningham, Jan Cuny, Paul Curzon, Nell B. Dale, Sue Fitzgerald, Timothy V. Fossum, Diana Gant, F. Garnet Walters, Scott Grissom, William E. McBride, Renée McCauley, Mimi McClure, Daniel Menelly, Rym Mili, Luegina C. Mounfield, Cathleen A. Norris, Katharine M. Paine, Joan Peckham, Victor Piotrowski, James L. Richards, James Robergé, Eric Roberts, Amber Settle, Elliot Soloway, Joe Turner,

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iconBegriffswolke von Harriet G. Taylor

APH KB IB clear
computational thinkingcomputational thinking, Informatikcomputer science, Informatik-Didaktikdidactics of computer science, Informatik-Unterricht (Fachinformatik)Computer Science Education, LehrerInnen-Bildungteacher training, Multimediamultimedia,


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Auf dem WWW Funding opportunities in computer science education at the national science foundation: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 97 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Understanding NSF funding opportunities: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 372 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Understanding NSF funding opportunities: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 385 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW The effective integration of software engineering principles throughout the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract): Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 171 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Retraining pre-college teachers: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 417 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW The effect of high school computer science, gender, and work on success in college computer science: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 437 kByte; WWW: Link OK 2020-11-28)
Auf dem WWW Integrating multimedia and telecommunications laboratory experiences into teacher education: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 55 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW You learned all you need to design educational software design in kindergarten (panel): Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 170 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Implementing national educational technology standards for student in the United States: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 100 kByte; WWW: Link OK )
Auf dem WWW Taking advantage of national science foundation funding opportunities: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 121 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-06-28)
Auf dem WWW Exploring NSF funding opportunities: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 153 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-10-28)
Auf dem WWW The evolution of standards for accrediting computer science teacher preparation programs: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 716 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-06-28)
Auf dem WWW Recruiting more computer science students - what to do after the "glamour" has gone away?: Fulltext at the ACM Digital Library (lokal: PDF, 128 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2020-10-28)

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