Seven complex lessons in education for the future |
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Edgard Morin rethinks fundamental problems overlooked or neglected in education, and presents them as "seven complex lessons" that should be covered in an education of the future in all societies in every culture, according to means and rules appropriate to each. With the publication of this provocative essay, UNESCO hopes to stimulate discussion on how education can and should act as a force for the future and promote a transdisciplinary perspective to meet the great challenge of durable development.
Von Klappentext im Buch Seven complex lessons in education for the future (1999) Kapitel
- 1. Detecting error and illusion
- 2. Principles of pertinent knowledge
- 3. Teaching the human condition
- 4. Earth identity
- 5. Confronting uncertainties
- 6. Understanding each other
- 7. Ethics for the human genre
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Digitalisierung, LehrerIn, Schule, Unterricht |
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5 Erwähnungen
- Postformal Education - A Philosophy for Complex Futures (Jennifer M. Gidley) (2016)
- 1. Introduction
- 3. Psychological Development: Child and Adolescent
- 4. Evolving Education: Pre-formal and Formal
- 6. Postformal in Education: Beyond the Formal Factory Model
- 11. Pedagogical Voice: An Empowering Force
Volltext dieses Dokuments
Seven complex lessons in education for the future: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (: , 5071 kByte; : 2021-03-21) |
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