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Detecting error and illusion

Edgar Morin
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Seven complex lessons in education for the future
  • The purpose of education is to transmit knowledge, and yet education is blind to the realities of human knowledge, its systems, infirmities, difficulties, and its propensity to error and illusion. Education does not bother to teach what knowledge is.
  • Knowledge cannot be handled like a ready-made tool that can be used without studying its nature. Knowing about knowledge should figure as a primary requirement to prepare the mind to confront the constant threat of error and illusion that parasitize the human mind. It is a question of arming minds in the vital combat for lucidity.
  • We must introduce and develop the study of the cultural, intellectual, and cerebral properties of human knowledge, its processes and modalities, and the psychological and cultural dispositions which make us vulnerable to error and illusion.
Von Edgar Morin im Buch Seven complex lessons in education for the future (1999)
Seven complex lessons in education for the futureEverything we know is subject to error and illusion. The education of the future should confront this double-faced problem of error and illusion. The greatest error would be to underestimate the problem of error, the greatest illusion to underestimate the problem of illusion. Recognition of error and illusion is all the more difficult in that error and illusion are not recognized as such. Error and illusion have been parasitizing the human mind from the first days of homo sapiens. When we consider the past, including the recent past, it seems to us that people were blinded by countless errors and illusions. In German Ideology, Marx and Engels observed that men have always had misconceptions about themselves, about what they are doing and what they ought to do, and about the world in which they live. But neither Marx nor Engels was able to avoid the same kind of errors.
Von Edgar Morin im Buch Seven complex lessons in education for the future (1999) im Text Detecting error and illusion

iconDieses Kapitel erwähnt ...

KB IB clear
01. Die Wissenschaft beweist nie irgend etwas
03. Es gibt keine objektive Erfahrung

KB IB clear
Denkenthinking , Fehlererror , Realitätreality

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