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corporate wiki, Unternehmenswiki


Wikis: Tools for Information Work and CollaborationThe combination of simplicity, transparency and openness that wikis offer is an excellent response to the needs of today's dynamic, collaborative, knowledge-intensive work environments.
Von Sébastien Paquet im Buch Wikis: Tools for Information Work and Collaboration (2006) im Text Wikis in business
Handbuch E-LearningA common reason for usingWikis rather than blogging technology seems to be the need to let the participants in the Wiki get involved not just in its content, but also in the setting up of its structure.
Von Espen Andersen im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Using Wikis in a Corporate Context (2005)
Handbuch E-LearningFor internal company uses, the technology may be held back a little by difficulties in converting an interlinked set of web pages into a linear document - which tends to be the desired, measurable end result for many knowledge gathering projects.
Von Espen Andersen im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Using Wikis in a Corporate Context (2005)
Handbuch E-LearningWith many technologies, employee compliance and learning curves can be a significant barrier to adoption. But according to the companies we spoke with, wikis don't suffer the same adoption problems as other technologies, because they quickly prove themselves to be both intuitive and viral.
Von Ezra Goodnoe im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Wikis at Work (2006)
Handbuch E-LearningIn a corporate context, Wikis should be used for tasks that involve teamwork, complexity, and deliberation. They are hard tomanage, but very useful whenthey work. Properly used, they can free up collaboration and increase employee engagement. Improperly used, they are neither worse nor better than any other collaborative technology out there.
Von Espen Andersen im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Using Wikis in a Corporate Context (2005)
Handbuch E-LearningAnother barrier to wiki adoption is the geek factor. By the admission of all those interviewed for this article, wikis are still early in their evolution as corporate tools and often have a nonprofessional look and feel. Although employees access wikis through familiar Web browsers, what they find can be confusing or intimidating. The easiest way to reduce the nerd factor is to buy a commercial wiki rather than implement an open-source version.
Von Ezra Goodnoe im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Wikis at Work (2006)
Handbuch E-LearningIn corporations, most Wikis seem to be used differently - by small teams, frequently geographically widely distributed, who need to create multilinked documentation about complex topics that involve judgment in the descriptions. Since writing in a Wiki is self-directed and requires organizational skills, the groups using it have so far tended to be highly skilled both in expression and in computer use - system developers, architects, copy-writers, journalists and others who habitually express themselves in writing.
Von Espen Andersen im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Using Wikis in a Corporate Context (2005)
Handbuch E-LearningWikis make it easier to organize and compartmentalize work in small companies, which can be prone to a lack of explicit organization, while they help large corporations overcome the hurdles of task and information distribution (often over disparate locations) by aggregating critical knowledge. Because a wiki stores information as both content and hyperlinks, each wiki entry is, effectively, a living document. The dynamic nature of wikis means that, at least in theory, the information they contain is more likely to be both current and accurate than in static knowledge management systems.
Von Ezra Goodnoe im Buch Handbuch E-Learning im Text Wikis at Work (2006)
How wikis enter the workplace can vary dramatically from one implementation to the next. Getting a wiki installed can often be impeded at the management level by fears that it will disrupt the workforce and their workflow, that a wiki will be a distraction from "real" tasks, or that it is just a fad that will end up simply costing time and labor (mostly in the IT department).
As a result, many wikis are launched as tests, often by departments with technically savvy workers or groups with a penchant for experimentation. Some are officially sanctioned, while others sneak in under the radar.
Von Ezra Goodnoe im Text Wikis at Work (2006)
Auch wenn sich nicht jeder mit jedem Veränderungsvorschlag durchsetzen könne, werde sich viel offener auseinandergesetzt, findet auch der IT-Leiter Frank Weber. "Ein Teil des Flurfunks hat sich ins Wiki verlagert." Gleichzeitig erleichtere es Kommunikation: Jeder in der Firma kann die für ihn relevanten Wiki-Seiten auf seine Beobachter-Liste setzen und wird dann automatisch über Änderungen auf diesen Seiten informiert. "Die kann man ganz schnell überfliegen - das ist viel effektiver, als E-Mails auszutauschen", sagt Weber. Ihn fasziniert vor allem die Intelligenz des Systems: "Die Mitarbeiter haben mehr als die Hälfte der Regeln hier im Unternehmen geändert - und alle Änderungen erwiesen sich als sinnvoll."
Von Jens Bergmann im Text Die gläserne Firma (2007)

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iconHäufig co-zitierte Personen

Dietrich Boelter Dietrich

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icon24 Erwähnungen  Dies ist eine nach Erscheinungsjahr geordnete Liste aller im Biblionetz vorhandenen Werke, die das ausgewählte Thema behandeln.

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