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Bring Your Own Technology

The BYOT guide for schools and families
Mal Lee, Martin Levins , local 
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Bring Your Own TechnologyThis ebook is designed to provide teachers and parents alike an insight into the bring-your-own-technology (BYOT) revolution sweeping across entire school communities in Australia, the US and UK, and explain the immense implications of these developments.
In time all schools in the developed world will move to students using their personal mobile technology in class, rather than it being provided by the school. It is not a case of if, but when. BYOT is like a tsunami coming across the horizon. The forces impelling the change and the potential educational, social development, economic, technological and political opportunities opened by the development will not only bring about its introduction but will soon fundamentally change the nature of schooling, teaching, the technology used, home-school relations and the resourcing of schools.
The potential implications of the development are immense. BYOT is far more than a technical change. However its full potential will only be realised by schools, their leadership and their communities collaborating astutely to achieve the normalised 100% student use of the technology. That challenge will be considerable. This ebook, drawing on the work of the pathfinding schools and education authorities in the UK, US and Australia, is designed to provide teachers and parents alike an insight into:
  • Why the development needs to be embraced
  • The imperative of authentic collaboration between home and school
  • What each school needs to do to ready itself
  • How to deal with the raft of options
  • The kind of whole school community implementation strategy required
  • The practicalities of achieving sustained total student usage and the many dividends that will then flow.
Von Klappentext im Buch Bring Your Own Technology (2013)

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BYODbring your own device , Elternparents , LehrerInteacher , Schuleschool , USA

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Bring Your Own Technology D - - 0 9781742861494 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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