HOW to Consider Informatics in Primary Education?Zu finden in: Digitale Schule Österreich (Seite 360), 2013
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Right now, Informatics education is stretching downwards to reach primary education. This article surveys some approaches to convey basic informatics competences at primary level. Presenting an approach that gives aspects of informatics proper prominence over digital literacy, the article advocates to connect to traditional topics and to build on common learning patterns when introducing aspects of informatics into primary education.
Von Peter K. Antonitsch im Konferenz-Band Digitale Schule Österreich (2013) im Text HOW to Consider Informatics in Primary Education? Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Digitalisierung, Informatik-Didaktik, Kinder, LehrerIn, Lernen, Schweiz |
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