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A comprehensive guide to learning technologies that unlock the value in big data. Cognitive Computing provides detailed guidance toward building a new class of systems that learn from experience and derive insights to unlock the value of big data. This book helps technologists understand cognitive computing's underlying technologies, from knowledge representation techniques and natural language processing algorithms to dynamic learning approaches based on accumulated evidence, rather than reprogramming. Detailed case examples from the financial, healthcare, and manufacturing walk readers step-by-step through the design and testing of cognitive systems, and expert perspectives from organizations such as Cleveland Clinic, Memorial Sloan-Kettering, as well as commercial vendors that are creating solutions. These organizations provide insight into the real-world implementation of cognitive computing systems. The IBM Watson cognitive computing platform is described in a detailed chapter because of ist significance in helping to define this emerging market. In addition, the book includes implementations of emerging projects from Qualcomm, Hitachi, Google and Amazon.
Today's cognitive computing solutions build on established concepts from artificial intelligence, natural language processing, ontologies, and leverage advances in big data management and analytics. They foreshadow an intelligent infrastructure that enables a new generation of customer and context-aware smart applications in all industries.
Cognitive Computing is a comprehensive guide to the subject, providing both the theoretical and practical guidance technologists need.
Von Klappentext im Buch Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics (2015) Today's cognitive computing solutions build on established concepts from artificial intelligence, natural language processing, ontologies, and leverage advances in big data management and analytics. They foreshadow an intelligent infrastructure that enables a new generation of customer and context-aware smart applications in all industries.
Cognitive Computing is a comprehensive guide to the subject, providing both the theoretical and practical guidance technologists need.
- Discover how cognitive computing evolved from promise to reality
- Learn the elements that make up a cognitive computing system
- Understand the groundbreaking hardware and software technologies behind cognitive computing
- Learn to evaluate your own application portfolio to find the best candidates for pilot projects
- Leverage cognitive computing capabilities to transform the organization
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Titel | Format | Bez. | Aufl. | Jahr | ISBN | ||||||
Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics by Hurwitz | E | - | - | 1 | 1118896629 |
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Beat hat dieses Buch während seiner Zeit am Institut für Medien und Schule (IMS) ins Biblionetz aufgenommen. Beat besitzt kein physisches, aber ein digitales Exemplar. (das er aber aus Urheberrechtsgründen nicht einfach weitergeben darf). Es gibt bisher nur wenige Objekte im Biblionetz, die dieses Werk zitieren.