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Study on Innovative Learning Environments in School Education

Lotte Grünbaum, Marianne Pedersen, Steffen Bohni Nielsen , local web 
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Study on Innovative Learning Environments in School EducationRAMBOLL Management has carried out a “Study on Innovative Learning Environments in School Education” for DG Education and Culture. The study was carried out between August 2002 and December 2003. The purpose of the study was to provide DG Education and Culture with a comprehensive analysis and report concerning the existing innovative trends in theories behind and practices in innovative learning environments in school education throughout the European Union. The objectives of the study were to provide:
  • A general description of the current situation in the European Union concerning the creation of new and innovative learning environments
  • An in-depth study of innovative learning environments through case studies
  • A future-oriented analysis identifying trends in school development
  • A set of recommendations for future action and study
The study has been carried out within the elearning initiative and elearning Action Plan and hence with a special focus as to the role of new information and communication technologies in the new learning environments. The study included both theoretical and empirical investigation.
Von Klappentext im Buch Study on Innovative Learning Environments in School Education (2004)

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KB IB clear
EuropaEurope , ICTICT , Innovationinnovation , Lernenlearning , Lernumgebung , Managementmanagement , Reggio-PädagogikReggio approach , Schuleschool , Technologietechnology

iconDieses Buch erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... Eine statistisch erstelle Liste von nicht erwähnten (oder zumindest nicht erfassten) Begriffen, die aufgrund der erwähnten Begriffe eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, erwähnt zu werden.

Nicht erwähnte Begriffe
Bildung, Kinder, LehrerIn, Unterricht


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Auf dem WWW Study on Innovative Learning Environments in School Education: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 5813 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2019-05-28)
Auf dem WWW Study on Innovative Learning Environments in School Education: Gesamtes Buch als Volltext (lokal: PDF, 5813 kByte; WWW: Link tot Link unterbrochen? Letzte Überprüfung: 2020-11-28 Letzte erfolgreiche Überprüfung: 2010-01-28)

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