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Revisiting and reframing use

Implications for the integration of ICT
Lorrae Ward, Judy M. Parr
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This paper investigates the use of ICT by teachers in selected secondary schools. It considers both the extent and type of use and the factors that may influence such use through the statistical analysis of data from a 30-section survey containing 185 items. First, exploratory maximum-likelihood factor analysis was used to identify five distinct categories, or types of use. Second, path analyses assisted in determining ten antecedent factors which significantly impacted on use from a total of 16 factors considered. These factors were confirmed using scale analyses. Finally, a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to determine whether demographic/context variables were related both to use and to those factors directly influencing usage. Findings suggest a variety of types of professional development, as well as a range of infrastructural options, are needed to meet not only the varying needs of individual teachers, but also the varying ways in which ICT can be used. The implication is that the key outcomes for any professional development must be to increase teacher confidence in their ability to facilitate student learning with computers, along with the provision of stronger pedagogical motivation for teachers to integrate ICT.
Von Lorrae Ward, Judy M. Parr im Text Revisiting and reframing use

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KB IB clear
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