digital rights management (DRM) digital rights management

DRM, digital rights management
I think having faith in that basic logic of the market is important. Besides, DRM interferes with the user experience. It makes it much harder to have people adopt your product.
Von Tim O'Reilly im Text Tim O’Reilly on Piracy, Tinkering, and the Future of the Book (2011) 

If people wanted 10,000 pirated copies of a book, the publisher and the author would be very, very well off. If 10,000 people are willing to pirate it, there’s a very large number willing to pay for it.
Von Tim O'Reilly im Text Tim O’Reilly on Piracy, Tinkering, and the Future of the Book (2011) 

I just think that the whole logic of DRM is flawed. There’s a bakery in Berkeley that every day dumps a lot of fresh bread into a dumpster behind the store. And there’s a bunch of people who get their bread there. I guarantee you that there are a lot more people who, even if you told them they could, would not do that. A lot of sources of free content are like going rooting through the dumpster.
Von Tim O'Reilly im Text Tim O’Reilly on Piracy, Tinkering, and the Future of the Book (2011) Let’s say my goal is to sell 10,000 copies of something. And let’s say that if by putting DRM in it I sell 10,000 copies and I make my money, and if by having no DRM 100,000 copies go into circulation and I still sell 10,000 copies. Which of those is the better outcome? I think having 100,000 in circulation and selling 10,000 is way better than having just the 10,000 that are paid for and nobody else benefits.
Von Tim O'Reilly im Text Tim O’Reilly on Piracy, Tinkering, and the Future of the Book (2011) 

But to me the analogy is: yes, there are people who break into your house, and if you live in a really high-crime neighborhood, maybe you have bars on your windows. But if you live in an ordinary neighborhood you don’t put bars on your windows just because somebody could easily break the glass and get into your house, because guess what? Most of the time people don’t. And when they do, we send police after them to check it out. The whole model that says we must somehow lock things up so that no harm is possible permeates a lot of our psyche.
Von Tim O'Reilly im Text Tim O’Reilly on Piracy, Tinkering, and the Future of the Book (2011) Meanwhile, if the price is right, you don’t think much about paying a couple of bucks, or even paying a lot for a legitimate copy. I find the whole DRM argument completely overblown. It’s never been proven to work. And that’s not to say that there aren’t some things that you can do to detect and respond to very extreme and obvious piracy. At Safari, for example, if we notice that somebody is downloading massive numbers of books, we might shut off their account. We do some watermarking. We have some to detect people who are taking advantage of us.
Von Tim O'Reilly im Text Tim O’Reilly on Piracy, Tinkering, and the Future of the Book (2011) 

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