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With a Little Help From My Friends

An Empirical Study of the Interplay of Students' Social Activities, Programming Activities, and Course Success
Zu finden in: ICER 2016 (Seite 201 bis 209), 2016
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In this paper, we have empirically investigated the relationship between programming activities and programming-focused activity stream discussions within the context of individual programming assignments in an early computing course. We began with a quantitative analysis that showed that questions posed by students are likely to be related to a current coding issue. We also discovered that students who received and acknowledged a suggestion to their questions were significantly more likely to fix their issues. Furthermore, these students were likely to turn in assignments whose scores were significantly higher than the class average. These findings were elucidated through a series of vignettes that illustrated how programming discussions can influence eventual success, how programming discussions can positively impact other students, and what happens when such discussions do not occur.
Von Adam S. Carter, Christopher D. Hundhausen im Konferenz-Band ICER 2016 im Text With a Little Help From My Friends (2016)

Computing education researchers have become increasingly interested in leveraging log data automatically collected within computer programming environments in order to understand students' learning processes and tailor instruction to student needs. While data on students' programming activities has been positively correlated with their learning outcomes, those data tell only part of the story. Another part of the story lies in students' social activities, which, according to social learning theory, can also be predictive of students' learning outcomes. In order to gain further insight into how computing students' learning processes influence their learning outcomes, we present an empirical study that explores the interplay of students' social activities, programming activities, and course outcomes in an early computing course. By analyzing log data collected through a programming environment augmented with a social networking-style activity stream, we found that answers to questions posed through the activity stream were positively correlated with students' ability to make programming progress, and their eventual success in the course. Based on our findings, we present recommendations for the design of pedagogical environments to support a more social programming process.

Von Adam S. Carter, Christopher D. Hundhausen im Konferenz-Band ICER 2016 im Text With a Little Help From My Friends (2016)

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Olusola O. Adesope , Alireza Ahadi , Amjad AlTadmri , Spencer Bagley , Albert Bandura , Susan Bergin , Neil C. C. Brown , Adam S. Carter , Paul Denny , Brian Dorn , Heikki Haapala , Brian Hanks , Christopher D. Hundhausen , Matthew C. Jadud , Jean Lave , Raymond Lister , Ronan Reilly , Beth Simon , Desmond Traynor , Arto Vihavainen , Etienne Wenger

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