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Where Next for Coding in Schools?

Andrew E. Fluck
Zu finden in: Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools (Seite 401 bis 410), 2023 local web 
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Teaching Coding in K-12 SchoolsThis chapter starts with a personal perspective and then analyses Chaps. 2–25 to provide a general framework for teaching coding in schools. We then take a look at emerging paradigms of non-deterministic computing. Included in this category are machine learning and quantum computing. They are non-deterministic insofar as the results of running such a programme are not guaranteed to be identical every time. This is a stark contrast to most of the programming paradigms covered in previous chapters.
Looking to the future, we interrogate the place of quantum computing in schools, arguing that this distinctive paradigm needs an early introduction for ist promise to bear fruit.
Von Andrew E. Fluck im Buch Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools im Text Where Next for Coding in Schools? (2023)
Teaching Coding in K-12 SchoolsThe final chapter of this book summarises the literature on coding in school education and looks to the future. As a mental tool, coding/programming encourages young people to think clearly about concepts, language and agency. Combined with computational thinking skills, they become empowered as active citizens and productive members of an information society. However, this aspect of school education is really only in its infancy and so lacks homogeneity within and between jurisdictions. Schools find it difficult to implement curriculum changes in the computing area fast enough to keep pace with technological developments. For instance, few authors in this book mentioned verbal programming of devices such as Alexa and Siri. Starting from a personal perspective, a general framework for teaching coding is developed. Then a short examination of quantum computing shows where this paradigm can fit into the framework.
Von Andrew E. Fluck im Buch Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools im Text Where Next for Coding in Schools? (2023)

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