Part one
Gordon Bell, Jim Gemmell
Zu finden in: Total Recall, 2009

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Each day I’m losing a little bit more of my mind. By the way, so are you. What if you could overcome this fate? What if you never had to forget anything, but had complete control over what you remembered— and when?
Soon, you will be able to. You will have the capacity for Total Recall. You will be able to summon up everything you have ever seen, heard, or done. And you will be in total control, able to retrieve as much or as little as you want at any given time. Right now, if someone had even a single photo from each day of her life, we would be amazed. But soon you will be able to record your entire life digitally. It’s possible, affordable, and beneficial.
von Gordon Bell, Jim Gemmell im Buch Total Recall (2009) im Text Part one
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