Designing sociable CSCL Environments
Applying Interaction Design Principles
Zu finden in: What we know about CSCL and implementing it in higher education (Seite 221 bis 243), 2004
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Designing CSCL environments from a purely functional perspective is not a good
idea. This chapter points out that DLGs using functional CSCL environments may
be successful in some cases and unsuccessful in others. The success can be increased
if CSCL environments are also designed from a perspective that takes the social
(psychological) aspects of learning within groups into account while dealing with
two potential pitfalls: taking social interaction for granted, and ignoring or
neglecting group forming and group dynamics. Such a perspective acknowledges
that learners are human beings who want to socialise with others to form a
performing group where a sound social space exists. This chapter suggests a
framework that can be used as a point of departure for formulating a set of
requirements that defines the social functionality that can be embedded within the
CSCL environments. Key elements of the framework are social affordances devices,
sociability, and social presence.
Von Paul A. Kirschner, Karel Kreijns im Buch What we know about CSCL and implementing it in higher education (2004) im Text Designing sociable CSCL Environments Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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