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Technology acceptance of a mobile portfolio app for teacher education

Pre-service teachers views on multimedia-based note-taking and mentoring in internships
Dominik Petko, Andrea Cantieni, Regina Schmid, Laura Müller, Maike Krannich, Konstantinos Michos
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Dominik PetkoAndrea CantieniRegina SchmidLaura MüllerMobile technologies are promising tools to scaffold teaching practice. In this study, we developed and tested a mobile app for teacher education. This mobile portfolio enables multimedia-based note-taking, reflection, and discussion with peers and mentors. We conducted two studies to explore the effect of design variants and use scenarios on the app’s acceptance. In the first study with N = 83 pre-service primary school teachers, technology acceptance was higher for those using the app with multimedia note-taking functionality than for those using the same app with this functionality disabled. In the second study with N = 81 pre-service teachers, those using the app together with their mentor teachers reported levels of technology acceptance similar to those who used the app exclusively among themselves. In consequence, a mobile portfolio app would be met with higher acceptance if it builds reflection upon multimedia note-taking both with and without the inclusion of mentors.
Von Dominik Petko, Andrea Cantieni, Regina Schmid, Laura Müller, Maike Krannich, Konstantinos Michos im Text Technology acceptance of a mobile portfolio app for teacher education (2022)


Beat Döbeli HoneggerBemerkenswert, dass in diesem Artikel im Abstract steht, dass eine App entwickelt worden sei, der Entwickler der App aber kein Mitautor des Artikels ist.
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 20.11.2022

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