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Führen interaktive Whiteboards zu vermehrtem Frontalunterricht?

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Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 9Andere Grundschuldidaktiker erwarten durch IWBs weniger eine Innovation des Unterrichts als vielmehr eine heimliche Renaissance des Frontalunterrichts durch die Hintertür eines nur scheinbar innovativen Unterrichtsmediums.
Von Thomas Irion im Buch Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 9 (2011) im Text Interaktive Whiteboards im Grundschulunterricht
Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language LearningHowever, the IWB has also been a target of criticism by proponents of constructivism. It has been argued, for instance, that the IWB technology may encourage teacher-centeredness, since it tends to reinforce the dominance of the front of the room.
Von Euline Cutrim Schmid im Buch Handbook of Research on Web 2.0 and Second Language Learning (2008) im Text The Pedagogical Potential of Interactive Whiteboards 2.0
Fachstelle fri-ticWird die Einführung der IWB nicht von einer didaktischen Ausbildung für die Lehrpersonen begleitet, wird festgestellt, dass die interaktiven Funktionen für die Schüler nicht genutzt werden und der Frontalunterricht (insbesondere auf der Sekundarstufe) zunimmt.
Von Fachstelle fri-tic im Text Interaktive Weisswandtafeln (2008)
Stefan AufenangerAuch droht durch eine so interessante Tafel leicht ein stark lehrerzentrierter Unterricht zu entstehen, in dem die Schülerinnen und Schüler nur staunend den multimedialen Präsentationen der Lehrperson folgen und kaum aktiv einbezogen werden. Dem muss durch entsprechende Fortbildung des Kollegiums in didaktisch sinnvollen Einsatzmöglichkeiten bzw. Szenarien entgegengewirkt werden
Von Stefan Aufenanger, Petra Bauer im Journal Interaktive Whiteboards (2010) im Text Interaktive Whiteboards
Interaktive Whiteboards in Hochschule und SchuleEine der großen Befürchtungen, die sich mit dem Einsatz von IWBs im Unterricht verbinden, ist die des frontaten, lehrerzentrierten Unterrichts. Dieses „Schreckgespenst" geistert auch bei uns durch die Seminarräume, obgleich die Erfahrungen, die wir im Einsatz mit den IWBs gemacht haben durchaus andere sind. Dennoch, und diese Befürchtung wird sowohl von Studierenden als auch von Lehrenden vertreten, wird dem Board schnell das Etikett „Frontalunterricht" verpasst
Von Manuel Altenkirch, Holger Meeh im Buch Interaktive Whiteboards in Hochschule und Schule (2013) im Text Teufelszeug oder Heilsbringer
Embedding ICT In The Literacy And Numeracy StrategiesIn the observations in 2003, IWB lessons contained about five minutes more whole class teaching and five minutes less group work than lessons without an IWB. This difference was found in both literacy and mathematics. After a year, the amount of whole class teaching in IWB lessons was not significantly different to non-IWB lessons, but the amount of group work had decreased further (this time a difference of nearly seven and a half minutes). This difference was found in both Year 5 and Year 6 classes.
Von Steve Higgins, Chris Falzon, Ian Hall, David Moseley, Fay Smith, Heather J. Smith, Kate Wall im Buch Embedding ICT In The Literacy And Numeracy Strategies (2005) auf Seite  4
The Interactive Whiteboard RevolutionHowever, not everyone is so positive about the technology. One of the main arguments used to dismiss the impact of the IWB in modern classrooms is that it heralds a return to the ‘sage on the stage’ mentality of teaching; one where the teacher assumes the position at the front of the class and the students passively consume the knowledge being dispensed. This form of teacher-centric classroom would quite rightfully be seen as a return to the bad old days of schooling, and if used in this manner IWBs are really nothing more than an expensive electronic way of ‘chalk and talk’ teaching.
Von Christopher Betcher, Mal Lee im Buch The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution (2009) im Text The Revolution
The Interactive Whiteboard RevolutionAnyone who has been in a classroom where this technology is used well, where the teacher is a competent and creative user of the IWB, where effective digital resources are being used to spark the learning, and extras such as interactive voting devices are being used to engage students in thinking more deeply, will quickly realise that there is nothing passive about these sorts of lessons. As always, good teaching is good teaching, and technology—if used correctly—can enhance teaching in all sorts of engaging ways. Any classroom technology can be used poorly if a teacher is not skilled and proficient in its use.
Von Christopher Betcher, Mal Lee im Buch The Interactive Whiteboard Revolution (2009) im Text The Revolution
Judith HarrisPunya MishraMatthew J. KoehlerAn important aspect of TPK is the creative flexibility with available tools necessary in planning to use them for specific pedagogical purposes. Consider, for example, the whiteboard as an educational tool. Although this technology has been in use for a long time, its very nature in some ways presupposes the kinds of functions it can serve. Because it is usually placed in the front of the classroom and is therefore usually under the control of the teacher, its location and use impose a particular physical order upon the classroom, determining the placement of tables, chairs, and therefore students, thus framing the nature of student-teacher interaction. Yet it would be incorrect to say that there is only one way that whiteboards can be used. One has only to compare the use of a whiteboard in a brainstorming session in a design studio to see a rather different technological application. In this context, the whiteboard is not controlled by a single individual. Rather, it can be used by anybody on the collaborating team, and in this situation, it becomes the point around which discussion and the negotiation and construction of meaning occurs.
Von Judith Harris, Punya Mishra, Matthew J. Koehler im Text Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Learning Activity Types (2009)

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