Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research3rd edition
Rona F. Flippo, Thomas W. Bean
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The most comprehensive and up-to-date source available for college reading and study strategy practitioners and administrators, the Third Edition of the Handbook of College Reading and Study Strategy Research reflects and responds to changing demographics as well as politics and policy concerns in the field since the publication of the previous edition. In this thorough and systematic examination of theory, research, and practice, the Handbook offers information to help college reading teachers to make better instructional decisions; justification for programmatic implementations for administrators; and a complete compendium of both theory and practice to better prepare graduate students to understand the parameters and issues of this field. The Handbook is an essential resource for professionals, researchers, and students as they continue to study, research, learn, and share more about college reading and study strategies. Addressing current and emerging theories of knowledge, subjects, and trends impacting the field, the Third Edition features new topics such as disciplinary literacy, social media, and gaming theory.
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Begriffe KB IB clear | LehrerInteacher , Lesekompetenz , Politikpolitics , social media / Soziale Mediensocial networking software |
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Schule, Unterricht |
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