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Viability Theory

Jean-Pierre Aubin , local 
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Viability TheoryThis work examines viability theory and its applications to control theory and differential games. The emphasis is on the construction of feedbacks and dynamical systems by myopic optimization methods. Systems of first-order partial differential inclusions, whose solutions are feedbacks, are constructed and investigated. Basic results are then extended to the case of fuzzy control problems, distributed control problems, and control systems with delays and memory.

Aimed at graduate students and research mathematicians, both pure and applied, this book offers specialists in control and nonlinear systems tools to take into account general state constraints. Viability theory also allows researchers in other disciplines - artificial intelligence, economics, game theory, theoretical biology, population genetics, cognitive sciences - to go beyond deterministic models by studying them in a dynamical or evolutionary perspective in an uncertain environment.
Von Klappentext im Buch Viability Theory (1991)

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Titel   Format Bez. Aufl. Jahr ISBN          
Viability Theory D - - 1 2009 3764335718 Swissbib Worldcat Bestellen bei Amazon.de

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