ClassDojo |
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ClassDojo is a classroom management and communication platform designed for use in schools and classrooms by teachers, school administrators, students and parents. It was first launched as a behaviour tracking and feedback tool; however, it quickly evolved to function with a much broader purpose and scope. In its current form it resembles a school-based
social media platform (Williamson 2017b) that incorporates a prominent gamified behaviour-shaping
function, providing school communities with a centralised digital network in which access to,
and interaction between members of the school community takes place.
Von Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee im Buch The Datafication of Education im Text The datafication of discipline (2018) auf Seite 37Bemerkungen
ClassDojo is one of the most prominent technological tools supporting schools to manage classrooms
and student behaviour.
Von Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee im Buch The Datafication of Education im Text The datafication of discipline (2018) We argue that ClassDojo is a school-based technology of surveillance encouraging teachers to
enact disciplinary practices underpinned by behaviourist principles that require intensified monitoring
of students (Watters 2017a; Williamson 2017a).
Von Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee im Buch The Datafication of Education im Text The datafication of discipline (2018) The effect of ClassDojo’s datafied surveillance is an increased volume of behavioural data
available to teachers and schools from which a wide range of decisions about students can be made.
Therefore, ClassDojo can be understood as yet another data-gathering surveillance technology that is
contributing to a culture of surveillance that has become normalised in schools.
Von Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee im Buch The Datafication of Education im Text The datafication of discipline (2018) At its inception, ClassDojo was a tool that digitised and datafied student behaviour and the process
by which teachers sought to condition that behaviour. Its primary function was to provide teachers
with a way in which to track student behaviours and provide immediate feedback to students about
behaviour. Its functionalities introduced new data-driven possibilities for teachers, equipping them
with a tool that automatically generates individual student and whole-class behavioural data records,
and an ability to respond in real time, on the move and from any location to student behaviour.
Theoretically, ClassDojo draws on a logic of behaviourism to influence student behaviour. Students
are reinforced with positive, negative and neutral ‘Dojo points’ as a means to encourage and discourage
particular behaviours (Goldstein 2013).
Von Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee im Buch The Datafication of Education im Text The datafication of discipline (2018) auf Seite 39The surveillance mechanisms embedded within ClassDojo are not confined to classroom observations
but extend beyond the walls of the classroom. ClassDojo provides teachers with further new
possibilities for practice in the domain of teacher–parent engagement. Through its digitised communication
network ClassDojo provides teachers with the ability to deliver a child’s behaviour
data directly to parents, in real time, along with continual access to constantly updated behaviour
profiles in the form of student reports. Registered parents are reminded every Friday via email to
check their child’s student report, a strategy deployed as a means to foster parental engagement.
This feature effectively subjects students to a weekly report card of their behaviour delivered directly
to a parents’ inbox. This datafication of student discipline through surveillance and the digitised
communication network servicing the school community combine to transform ClassDojo from a
mechanism through which surveillance is datafied, into a dataveillance mechanism.
Von Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee im Buch The Datafication of Education im Text The datafication of discipline (2018) Verwandte Objeke
Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) |
Häufig co-zitierte Personen
Statistisches Begriffsnetz
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
7 Erwähnungen
- The Future of the Professions - How Technology Will Transform the Work of Human Experts (Richard Susskind, Daniel Susskind) (2016)
- Data for the People - Wie wir die Macht über unsere Daten zurückerobern (Andreas Weigend) (2017)
- The Datafication of Education (Juliane Jarke, Andreas Breiter) (2019)
- 3. The datafication of discipline - ClassDojo, surveillance and a performative classroom culture (Jamie Manolev, Anna Sullivan, Roger Slee) (2018)
- Learning Analytics und Big Data in der Bildung - Zur notwendigen Entwicklung eines datenpolitischen Alternativprogramms (Sigrid Hartong) (2019)
- Vom E-Learning zur Digitalisierung - Mythen, Realitäten, Perspektiven (Reinhard Bauer, Jörg Hafer, Sandra Hofhues, Mandy Schiefner, Anne Thillosen, Benno Volk, Klaus Wannemacher) (2020)
- Digitalisierung der Hochschullehre: Was wissen wir wirklich? (Jörn Loviscach)
- Teaching Machines - The History of Personalized Learning (Audrey Watters) (2021)
- Bildung für eine digitale Zukunft (Katharina Scheiter, Ingrid Gogolin) (2023)
- Algorithmische Datafizierung und Schule - kritische Ansätze in einem wachsenden Forschungsfeld (Felicitas Macgilchrist, Sigrid Hartong, Sieglinde Jornitz)